
Browsing through the manual I don't see anywhere where this type of
behaviour can be turned on. However I thought I'd check on the list in
case I'm missing something.

If I load a playlist and start adding stuff to it the information
persists between power ups. However the playlist is never "saved"
unless you explicitly save it from the Playlist menu. If I then select
a file to play (e.g. a podcast) Rockbox creates a dynamic playlist and
my previous list is lost.

>From a usability point of view I would have thought the user would
expect changes to playlists to persist. I like multiple playlists
which I switch between depending on mood (e.g. a Gym playlist).
However I don't want to remember to save the current playlist every
time I select a new one.

Is there functionality that would enable automatic saving of the
playlist or would I have to code it from scratch?

Can anyone explain what .rockbox/.playlist_control is? Is it just a
copy of the current playlist? Is this updated when new tracks are

Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/
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