Hi all,

While working with the rockbox radio code a bit I noticed that currently
the FM channel spacing for the 'europe' FM region setting is 50 kHz.
(see fm_region_data in firmware/tuner.c)
I think this should be 100 kHz.

The 100 kHz spacing for europe is mentioned in the si4702 radio chip datasheet and wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM_band ) also
mentions "An ITU Geneva conference of 1984-12-07 resolved to discontinue
the use of 50 kHz offsets throughout Eastern and Western Europe."
Here in the Netherlands, all FM frequencies are on a 100 kHz spacing.
This is also the case for France and Germany as far as I could find in
a quick search with google. According to wikipedia, Italy is apparently
an exception, still using 50 kHz for some stations.

The practical effect is that scanning for stations takes me twice as
long as needed. Actually the korean FM setting is more applicable than
the europe setting... (it has 100 kHz spacing but otherwise identical
settings for de-emphasis and band limits)

I propose the following:
1) Change the channel spacing for the Europe setting from 50 kHz to
   100 kHz.
2) Possibly remove the Korea setting since it would become identical
   to the Europe setting.
3) Possibly add an Italy setting with 50 kHz spacing.

What do you think?

Kind regards,

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