2009/6/24 alex wallis <alexwallis...@googlemail.com>:
Hi list.
I was wondering if anyone knows why I might be seeing the following
I have noticed that some times if I am listening to a dynamic playlist of
around four hours give or take, when I get to the last track which would
usually be around ten minutes in length, shortly before the end of the track
literally a few minutes I get a disc spin up.
Then once the track ends the disc spins back up in order to load my next
I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts why I might be getting this odd
spin up shortly before the end of the last track.
It doesn't always happen, but it does happen fairly often.
I have the dircache option enabled, usually I get one disc spin up around
half way through a playlist, and then some times this odd spin up shortly
before its end.

Wasn't fs #9621 going to try to deal with disc accesses?
I did try having this patch applied on my build once, but unfortunately I
found that whenever I wound back in a file my disc got spun up so I
discarded that patch, but I guess maybe that's because it needs a bit of
working on.

once again... this is not the correct mailing list...

anyway, it could be spinning up for a number of reasons.. the obvious
two are have you got it set to random folder advance? and its probably
saving the playlist position or scrobbler or something....

Sorry for posting to the wrong list I didn't think.
To answer your questions, I do not have the player set to random folder advance. I don't get why the player would be saving the playlist position if the file has say two or three minutes till it finishes, then it needs to start playing the next folder. What did you mean exactly, when you said the player might be saving the scrollbar?

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