
I'd like to discuss a way to support custom button mappings that avoids
the often cited problems about supportability.

Basically, there would be a setting that enables a specific key or key
combination to switch to a custom button map. To make things clear, the
setting itself does not switch, and on boot the default button map will
be active.

Possible button combinations to switch to the custom map could be:
a. hold (i.e. hold on == custom map).
b. switch hold on while holding a specific button (similar to above, but
   hold itself stays usable)
c. hold on-off while holding a specific button.
d. some other unlikely to accidentally hit combination that's not used

I'm undecided whether the custom button map should be the same for all
screens, or should be customisable per screen.

All standard controls will be disabled by the custom map, including
touchscreen. They can of course be re-enabled in the map itself.
Thoughts? Questions?


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