If you mean the lines adc_init() and button_init(), then uncommenting them
will just result in the bootloader not building, since those functions don't
exist properly for the bootloader.

So no. It won't help.

On 28 January 2010 15:59, asettico <asett...@rossomaltese.it> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm talking about the ipodvideo/64, but I think the point involves all the
> other Apple devices.
> I took a look at the boot loader sources to understand why the Apple remote
> tuner is not activated even if already plugged when the DAP is switched on.
> I "discover" two statements ifdef-ed out in bootloader/ipod.c:313 since
> r7784 (the first revision of this file).
> Do you see any problem to enable those lines or something could get break?
> (Unfortunately I have no knowledge about the RB architecture and I can't
> build a FW now).
> Thanks for any info.
> --
>  ,= ,-_-. =.  asettico ~ [ http://rossomaltese.it/   ]
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