On 17.09.2010 09:32, Slawomir Testowy wrote:
Hi all!

For some time I have been using tremor with fastermdct patch found on
http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/FasterMDCT. This patch gives huge speedup on
i686/x86_64 machines and smaller, but still significant, speedup on ARM.

Everything works great until I compile tremor on ARM with -fPIC flag (I link
tremor into a shared object). In such case it segfaults in macro TRANSFORM_EQUAL
in file fft-ffmpeg_arm.h at line 158:

asm volatile( "ldmia %[my_z], {%[t5],%[t6]}\n\t":[t5] "=r" (t5), [t6] "=r"
                 (t6):[my_z] "r" (z));\

When I compile tremor without -fPIC or with -U_ARM_ASSEM_, there is no segfault.
Tremor without fastermdct.patch also doesn't have this problem.

I tried debugging the code for a moment, but this code (MDCT +
#defines + lots of
assmebly) is completely incomprehensible to me.

Unfortunately, I don't have gdb built for this platform (I managed to find the
problematic line with `fprintf(stderr, ...)`, which itself could change the way
it segfaults). At first sight all variables are initialized to proper values.

The ARM processor I'm using is (according to /proc/cpuinfo):

         Processor       : ARMv6-compatible processor rev 4 (v6l)
         CPU implementer : 0x41
         CPU architecture: 6TEJ
         CPU variant     : 0x0
         CPU part        : 0xb36
         CPU revision    : 4
         Hardware        : Freescale MX31/MX32 3-Stack Board

Can you help me handle this issue?

Slawomir Testowy

The android has the same problem (after enabling ASM optimzations), crash/segfault immediately when trying to play a song. There's a number of codecs that do not work and most (or all, I don't know exactly) of them use the mdct: wma, vorbis, aac, a52, cook. I strongly suspect it's the very same problem, since IIUC the NDKs gcc has -fPIC on by default (as does the android gcc target in gcc 4.6).

I hope this can be resolved.

Best regards.

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