On 16 December 2010 02:09, David Hall <dmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is part of an earlier email I had composed in response to AlexP but
> never sent.  I think it works here just as well...
> On 12/15/2010 07:11 PM, Paul Louden wrote:
> > To be fair it could be handled like the recording folder, with a "Set as
> > resumable folder" or something, allowing the user the freedom to select
> > which folder it is rather than forcing a specific one.
> >
> > But I still feel that whether it's just files within one folder, or all
> > files, or even "all files over 10 minutes long" or some other criteria
> > based on tags or whatever, there's still other problems too.
> Well I don't see many ways it can be accomplished.
> A - location bases defining of podcasts and or audiobooks (hereafter
> referred to as simply podcasts).
> B - File extension based defining.
> C - File metadata (tag) based defining.
> D - Rockbox-specific metadata not stored in the file.
> Solution A is the subject of this particular subthread.
> Solution B doesn't address Paul's concerns either.
> Solution C doesn't pass what I like to call the "vacation test".  If I'm
> away from home, using a family member or friend's computer, needing a
> specific piece of PC software to make Rockbox behave is almost as bad as
> forcing the user to install iTunes.  ;)
> I don't think I need to bring up arguments against solution D.  ;)
> I'm very much against anything which doesn't pass the "vacation test".
> I spend a great deal of my life out of town and away from my primary
> computers.  Not having to add specific tags to an audio file is very
> important to me.  I imagine I am not alone in that.
I don't mind too much if a specific folder initiates it, perhaps chosen as
Paul suggests rather than hard coded (In fact, could multiple be chosen?),
but I would object to this being the only way.  A combination of A and C


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