On 3/7/2011 4:29 AM, pondlife wrote:
I think of a playlist as an entity in its own right.  Whilst I may have
generated it from a directory or database query, I may then have manually
edited it (removing that one track I always skip...).

Once a manual edit has taken place, I'd expect it to be treated like "an explicit list of files."

Meanwhile, if I've told my player "play for me all my Ozzy Osbourne tracks" and made no manual changes, I'd expect it to change what's in the list based on what's available on the player.

This is, sorta, a difference between database playback and file based playback, to me. I'd expect a database playlist to be a query result until manually changed, while I think I lean more to one generated from a folder staying an explicit list (thus not changing even if folder contents change).

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