Sounds good.  Committed in Revision 29889.

Please report any problems created by this change.

> > I'd like to commit this:
> >
> >
> I'd love to see this in.  Like pondlife, I have a preference for having
> the option to reverse the behavior (default to charge only, any button
> press to connect), but I don't care particularly deeply.

I wonder how hard it would be to add a menu option to the top level menus when 
in charge mode that would enter UMS mode.  Would make an option to enter charge 
mode by default a lot more practical I think.  Android does it, but I'm not 
sure if our USB code can be enabled easily without physically inserting the 

That said, while I wouldn't really use a setting to change the default, I don't 
mind if someone else wants to commit it.  Seems useful enough to some people.


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