
You might have noticed already that I'm working on a rockbox port for
the Sansa Clip Zip. This thing appears to be very similar to the Clip+
so I expect a relatively quick port. The bootloader is basically ready
for testing on an actual device.

I wonder if the rockbox fund can pay for a Sansa Clip Zip, so I can do
further rockbox development on this player.

Once the risky phase of the port is over (e.g. accidentally bricking
it when doing bootloader work, damaging the OLED with incorrect
display driver settings, etc.), I can either keep using it as the
rockbox development model, or refund the money and keep it for personal

A complication seems to be that currently the Sansa Clip Zip is only
available in the US and not expected until after october 10th.

Kind regards,

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