On 15.10.2012 23:55, Torne Wuff wrote:
> I could easily be wrong, I don't know how our dsp system works very
> well :) I looked in dsp_replaygain_update in
> lib/rbcodec/dsp/dsp-misc.c and it looks like it just takes the peak
> value from the metadata and checks if the replaygain value would put
> it over, and if so makes it smaller. This appears to get called on
> track change and on replaygain settings change, then it just sets it
> as the static gain value applied on decoding.
If that is correct, the previous argument of songs of the same album
become desynchronized in volume is invalid, as replaygain also features
a Albumwide-Peak-Value, at least if created with metaflac.

-- Jonas

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