Am 24.12.2012 01:05, schrieb Mike Giacomelli:
Has anyone successfully cross compiled rockbox for the raspberry pi, or any other ARM linux system?

I'd like to be able to run the codeclib, or even the UI sim on my new pi in order to troubleshoot ARM asm code. Looking online, compiling on device looks like it shouldn't be too hard, but given the low speed ARM11 core, I suspect I won't want to do that unless I absolutely have to.

Compiling Rockbox (sim or app) on arm hosts should work "out of the box" with our build system, done so many times on my touchpad. Not so sure for cross compiling (setting CROSS_COMPILE environment variable to your cross compiler prefix), but you shouldn't need to cross compile since you can do it on the pi (with some patience).

Best regards.

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