Hey everyone, I'd like to play around a bit with FS#12496 (RaaA for webOS), and perhaps see if I can get it to build on the current Git master. The patch hasn't seen any love for nearly a year, and that's a shame. We should have more RaaA activity going on. :)
Does anyone have a webOS-based device that they would like to lend or donate to the cause? I only have Android devices on hand. Much obliged to all. :) --Robert -- Nobody's ever lost in life...they're merely taking the scenic route. ============================== Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html ============================== -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1.2 GCS/S/M/MU d- s+: a32 C++(+++) UL++++>$ P++ L+++ E+ W+ N+ o+ K++ w--- O- M !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP(+) t+ 5++ X++ R tv b+++ DI+++ D++(---) G++ e+ h- r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------