*SPEED SHOW vol.2: who the fuck do you think you are talking to?*

One night group show. The second show of an ongoing series of
SPEED SHOWs http://fffff.at/speed-show

Opening! Thursday, 8th of July 2010, 19:00 – 22:00 h
Kaukas Handy Shop, Äussere Mariahilferstr. 178, Vienna
(G-maps http://bit.ly/d6ixeY )

Participating artists:

- Margarete Jahrmann & Renate Christian
- Greg Leuch
- JK Keller
- Michael Marcovici
- Will Moffat & Peter Burns
- monochrom
- Evan Roth
- Sakrowski
- Gordan Savicic
- Michael Schieben
- Georg Schütz
- Chris Sugrue
- Philipp Teister & Kim Asendorf
- Jamie Wilkinson

curated by Aram Bartholl 2010

Curatorial Statement:
SPEED SHOW vol.2: who the fuck do you think you are talking to?

The 2nd edition of the SPEED SHOW presents again a wide selection of
pop.net.art pieces and addresses various developments of performance
related but still screen based art works. Most interaction and
communication on the web bears it's very own performance character. One
could say Facebook is a huge mass performance piece. net.art in it's
classic form could be considered a performance by interactivity as well.
In recent years artists from different fields work increasingly in a mix
of performances and digital interventions. In some cases the screen
itself, the beholder of the pixel is subject to fluctuations. In other
works the performance is acted out by a hysterical mass or just by the code.

Austrian art especially from the 60/70ies is very well known for their
provocative performances and inexorable public interventions. With a
regional focus on Vienna based artists mixed with international coders
and net renegades the SPEED SHOW vol.2:who the fuck do you think you are
talking to? presents a wide range of works from political activist, body
interaction and net-performance related art.

'Show Me What You Got!'

Aram Bartholl 2010

Credits: Thx to Georg Schütz for Vienna support!

The SPEED SHOW exhibition format:

Hit an Internet-cafe, rent all computers they have and run a show on
them for one night. All art works of the participating artists need to
be on-line (not necessarily public) and are shown in a typical browser
with standard plug-ins. Performance and life pieces may also use
pre-installed communication programs (instant messaging, VOIP, video
chat etc). Custom software (except browser add-ons) or off-line files
are not permitted. Any creative physical modification to Internet cafe
itself is not allowed. The show is public and takes place during normal
opening hours of the Internet cafe/shop. All visitors are welcome to
join the opening, enjoy the art (and to check their email.)


Aram Bartholl
Ackerstr. 38
10115 Berlin
landline: +493060980161
mobile: +491791036178
skype: agoasi

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