***Ankündigung auf Englisch - Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache ***

Flusserian Philosophical Friday with Erick Felinto
Friday 20.05.2011, 3pm, Vilém Flusser Archive

Flusserian Philosophical Friday (FPF) is an international research colloquium open to anyone interested in reading and discussing the works of Vilém Flusser. These events are held in English. Location: _vilém_flusser_archive, room 208, Grunewaldstr.2-5, 10823 Berlin

Erick Felinto
"Of Animals and Stones: From Benjamin's 'Unmensch' to Flusser's "Bichos'"
(Posthumanism and the Metaphor of Natural History)"

Vilém Flusser's Vampyroteuthis Infernalis reenacts and actualizes the time-honored tradition of a mental experiment that purports to efface the boundaries between man and animal. This ancient conceptual device, known in Baroque times as physica naturalis, seeks to illuminate the world of culture by means of its approximation with the world of nature. Instead of opposing poles, nature and culture become reflecting mirrors where man can acknowledge his ties to nature and the animal kingdom. More than just a rhetorical trope, the so-called allegory of natural history comprises what could be defined as a "philosophy of animality," espoused by thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Gilbert Simondon and Jacques Derrida. In Vampyroteuthis, Flusser resorts to a strange marine creature in order to elaborate a sophisticated meditation on human existence and our relationship with the technological apparatuses we incessantly devise. The goal of this talk is to examine the recent history of the allegory, tracing its developments in the works of contemporary scholars, such as Siegfried Zielinski, Manuel de Landa and Vilém Flusser himself. Moreover, it investigates the applicability of the "philosophy of animality" within the field of art and film theory, suggesting an approach to filmic experience that focuses on the "material" aspects of cinema and regards the spectator's body as a site for the translation of images into affect and sensation.

Erick Felinto is a full professor in the Department of Media Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He is the author of five books on topics such as cyberculture, cinema studies and comparative literature. He holds a masters degree in Communication Theory from the Federal University of Rio and a PhD in Romance Languages and Linguistics from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Universität der Künste Berlin.--
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