The Helmholtz Initiative on Synthetic Biology 
( is calling for proposals for art exhibits 
developed during an experimental laboratory experience.

The project is a common project between Prof. Dr. Roland Eils (DKFZ Heidelberg 
and Heidelberg University, more information on and Prof. 
Ursula Damm (Bauhaus University Weimar, more information on The jury will consist equally 
of scientists and artists.

With the emergence of Synthetic Biology, a scientific discipline aiming at the 
standardization of biological parts for the targeted generation of organisms 
with new, naturally not occurring features is gaining more and more scientific 
as well as public attention. Discoveries and inventions in the field of 
Synthetic Biology bear an enormous potential for the understanding of the 
living world and the development of processes and products for medicine and 
technology. The societal changes originating from such advances, however, are 
neither anticipated nor reflected in scientific approaches to this issue. Thus, 
the project aims at introducing artists to the technical methodology of 
Synthetic Biology and to uncover common aspects for a critical assessment of 
societal and cultural aspects of this emerging discipline.

The project starts at September 9, 2013. Selected artists are invited to a 
four-week experimental laboratory visit at the BioQuant Center for Quantitative 
Analysis of Molecular and Cellular Biosystems ( 
in Heidelberg, Germany. During the first two weeks, the embedded artists will 
be introduced to experimental techniques, such as handling of bacteria and 
mammalian cells, DNA cloning and protein expression as well as analytic 
methods, such as microscopy, gel electrophoresis or photometric assays. The 
following two weeks are dedicated to the first stages of exhibit development. 
The exhibits generated during and after this laboratory experience will be 
presented to the public in an exhibition in the award-winning BioQuant Center 
in Heidelberg. The exhibition will last (depending on the kind of exhibits) 4-6 
weeks and will take place within the framework of the international research 
symposium “Synthetic Biology – from understanding to application” taking place 
at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg on December 9-11, 
2013 (

The call is open until July 28, 2013. Applicants will be informed about the 
Jury’s decision until August 7, 2013. Accommodation in Heidelberg from 
September 9 until October 4, 2013, as well as equipment and consumables 
necessary for the experimental part are fully covered by the organizers. Two 
artists will be supported with a budget between 1.000 € - 3.000 € (depending on 
the requirements) to cover production costs of the exhibits.

Your application should include:

Project proposal (preliminary) (500 words)

Letter of interest (up to 1000 words)

Documentation of artwork (website, PDF, video)

Curriculum vitae

Please send all required documents by email to

More information is available on

prof. ursula damm
gestaltung medialer umgebungen 
bauhaus-universität weimar 
fakultät medien 
marienstrasse 5, raum 304
tel. 03643-583607
fax 03643-583806
d-99423 weimar
rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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