Hallo rohrpostler,

eine wichtige Veranstaltung zu
*Social Solidarity Health Clinics in Greece* –
*Recreating Health and Care From Crisis to Self-Organization*
findet kommenden Mittwoch in Zusammenarbeit mit der
Berliner Gazette-Konferenz UN|COMMONS statt.

Hier alle Daten:

Zeit:   Mittwoch, 2. September 2015, 19:00 Uhr
Ort:    Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Achtung: neue
Sebastianstr. 21, 10179 Berlin (U-Bahn: U8 Moritzplatz | U8

Please join us in conversation with Themis Pellas and Eleni Ploumidi,
from the Social Solidarity Clinic of Iraklio, Greece.

They will discuss how the Solidarity Clinics emerged, the context of the
current crisis, the forms of horizontal self organization under which
they function and how through the process of taking back health care a
new form of health and care are emerging.

There are over fifty Social Solidarity Health Clinics, most are full
service clinics, and all are run entirely by volunteers, from the
doctors and nurses to pharmacists and technical support. Each treats
anywhere from a few thousand to over 12 thousand people a year. The one
in Irakio, along with a dozen others, continue to be organized and run
entirely by the community in which they exist - maintaining their
autonomy from the state, political organizations, the church and
non-governmental organizations.

Themis Pellas is an urban planner and has worked in Athens, Amsterdam
and New York.

Eleni Ploumidi, an architect/urbanist, has worked in three scales,
furniture design, landscape/public space design, and the
legal-political-social aspects of land privatizations in Greece.

Via the Autonomous Research Lab of Crete they are conducting a long-term
research project—Sociospatial Transformations Under the State of
Emergency (2014), Entopia (2015), Mediterranean Urbanism(2016), to
document local responses to recession and shifts into habitation norms.

Eine Veranstaltung des Bildungswerks Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Diese Veranstaltung wird realisiert aus Mitteln der Stiftung Deutsche
Klassenlotterie Berlin
Teilnahme frei. Anmeldung unter: glo...@bildungswerk-boell.de


Viele Grüße,


The Fight For Common Wealth | October 22-24 
Workshops, Talks, Performances + Cooking 
Volksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg Platz | Berlin
Program: http://berlinergazette.de/uncommons
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