Hallo rohrpostler,

die Berliner Gazette lauched das Jahresthema FRIENDLY FIRE mit einem
Panel auf der transmediale am 4. Februar um 12 Uhr. Es folgen dazu unter.

Viele Grüße,



FRIENDLY FIRE: What Is It to Re-Think Radical Politics, Today?
Auftakt des Berliner-Gazette-Jahresprojekts 2017 bei der transmediale

Samstag, 04.02.2017 | 12:00
Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Auditorium
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

Angesichts jüngerer politischer Ereignisse wie dem Brexit und Trumps
Wahlsieg, muss die politische Linke ihre Herangehensweise überdenken.
Der Aufstieg des rechten Populismus verändert die Arena des Konflikts,
des Kampfes und Antagonismus und kennzeichnet sie mit zunehmend
rassistischen und nationalistischen Politiken.

Wie können Linke diese Arena neu hinterfragen und verstehen? Wie können
sie eine Politik entwickeln, die wirksame Organisierungsformen und
Konfrontationsstrategien gestalten und die Logiken der politischen
Kommunikation erweitern kann? Wie sollten Linke radikale Agenden und
Strategien neu betrachten? Und wie können sie ihre Ziele wirkungsvoll
anpassen und Kräfte mobilisieren, um sich der zunehmend feindseligen,
zynischen und polarisierten gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und
politischen Landschaft zu stellen?

Zentral für diese neue Landschaft ist eine rasante Neuformulierung der
Beziehungen zwischen den Massen, Gemeinschaften, Bewegungen,
Infrastrukturen und den – alten wie neuen – Medien. Dieses Podium denkt
über die Rolle digitaler Medien im politischen Feld, über die
Dateninfrastruktur des öffentlichen Raums und über eine Politik neuer
Kollektivität nach, die Konflikt und Kämpfe als progressive Kräfte in
der Demokratie neu untersucht.

Darüber diskutieren Natalie Fenton, Robert Latham Jutta Weber mit
Berliner-Gazette-Herusgeber Krystian Woznicki.

Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation zwischen der Berliner Gazette und
der transmediale. Sie eröffnet das Berliner-Gazette-Jahresprojekt

Mehr Info zum Event

Mehr zum Jahresthema im BG Feuilleton


Friendly Fire: What Is It to Re-Think Radical Politics, Today?
transmediale festival | Saturday, February 4th, 2017 | 12 p.m.
House of World Cultures | Auditorium

Recent political events such as Brexit and the Trump victory should
compel the Left to re-think its approaches. The rise of Right-wing
populism is transforming the arena of conflict, struggle and antagonism
in general, marking it with an increasingly xenophobic and nationalistic
politics. How should the Left question and understand this arena anew?
Is there an emergent politics, which can design effective forms of
organization and confrontational strategies that can build on and extend
in new ways logics of political communication? In what ways does the
Left have to reconsider what it means to be radical – both in terms of
agenda and strategy? How might the Left effectively adjust its
trajectory and mobilize its forces to begin confronting the current
moment with its increasingly hostile, cynical, and polarized social,
economic, and political terrain?

Central to this new terrain is a rapid re-articulation of the
relationship between the masses, communities, movements, infrastructure
and media, both old and new. The challenge of this panel is: to explore
new approaches to socio-political organization and mobilization,
especially in the digital realm. Moderated by Krystian Woznicki, this
panel with prolific thinkers and researchers such as Natalie Fenton,
Robert Latham and Jutta Weber will reflect on the data infrastructure of
the public sphere, the role of digital media in the political field and
a politics of re-collectivity that reconceives of conflict and struggle
as progressive forces in democracy.

This panel, a copperation between Berliner Gazette and transmediale,
will kick off the Berliner Gazette annual project FRIENDLY FIRE.

*Natalie Fenton*
Professor of Media and Communications; Co-Director Goldsmiths Leverhulme
Media Research Centre; Co-Director Centre for the Study of Global Media
and Democracy Goldsmiths, University of London. Her latest book,
"Digital, Political, Radical", is now available from Polity.

*Robert Latham*
Professor in the Political Science department at York University;
teaches in the Political Science, Communication and Culture, and Social
and Political Thought programs at York University in Toronto, Canada. He
has published widely on topics including political economy, security,
digital activism, technologies of border surveillance, critical theories
of sovereignty, transnational relations, migration, and
multiculturalism. His latest book, "Politics of Evasion", is now
available from Routledge.

*Jutta Weber*
Science, technology and society scholar, philosopher of technology and
professor for media studies at the University of Paderborn. Her research
focuses on computational technoscience culture(s) asking how and for
whom the non/human actors work. Recent publications include: Keep
Adding. Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases. In:
Environment and Planning D. Society and Space, February 2016 vol. 34 no.
1 107-125; Human-Machine Autonomies. In: Nehal Bhuta et al. (Eds.):
Autonomous Weapon Systems. Cambridge University Press 2016, 75-101,
together with Lucy Suchman.

*Krystian Woznicki*
Journalist and critic in Berlin, Germany. He is founder and co-publisher
of Berliner Gazette and the curator of the Berliner Gazette conferences.
Woznicki's work adresses socio-cultural and political questions in
debates related to globalization and digitalization. He is the editor
and author of various books, most recently "After the Planes. A Dialogue
on Movement, Perception and Politics" (2017, with Brian Massumi), which
is now available from DIAMONDPAPER.

*Berliner Gazette*
As a nonprofit and nonpartisan team of journalists, researchers, artists
and coders the Berliner Gazette (BG) analyzes and tests emerging
cultural as well as political practices. Since 1999 the BG team has been
publishing www.berlinergazette.de under a Creative Commons-License –
with more than 900 contributors from all over the world. In addition to
that we have been organizing conferences and editing books. Our latest
conference was TACIT FUTURES. Mail us your suggestions under:

Links | Speakers

* http://www.gold.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/n-fenton/
* http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9780745650869
* http://juttaweber.eu
* http://diamondpaper.de/title_25

Links | Organisers

* http://berlinergazette.de
* http://berlinergazette.de/feuilleton/jahresthemen/2017-friendly-fire
* http://hkw.de


War and Peace without Borders? The BG 2017 Annual Project 

Check out also TACIT FUTURES, our prior annual project: 

BG Annual Conference 2016

Essays and Interviews (in German)

Documents of BG's annual project 2016
Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/berlinergazette/albums/72157662038932563


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