Web Residencies by Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM


Deadline: January 6, 2019

»Alienation is the labor of freedom’s construction.«
-Laboria Cuboniks–

As petroleum burns ceaselessly, cutting holes in the atmosphere… As
hormones, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals colonize every watery body…
As rare-earth mining and e-waste amplify for our cars, computers, and
smartphone convenience… And as micro-plastics and PCBs nest in the
microscopic cracks of our biology, birthing a new »toxic progeny (1)«…
This planet glitches, queering our notions of normal and natural.

We live in an alien landscape, one that we no longer know.

Call for Web Residencies by Solitude & ZKM

»Planetary Glitch« Curated by Mary Maggic

Deadline: January 6, 2019
Read the call in English (below), Chinese, Indonesian, French, Farsi

Climate change, rising sea-levels and the chemical alteration and
industrialization of the planet have been largely driven by
patriarchal, hegemonic, capitalist forces. These are the very same
forces that uphold the all too familiar systems that devalue nonmales,
migrants, animals, and nature, and justify the overall exploitation of
the planet. This collective mutagenesis paralyzes us as much as it
should mobilize us, urging us to seek solidarity and symbiosis among
industrial and ecological ruins. Like Xenofeminism suggests, we must
seize this »alienation as an impetus to generate new worlds (2),« new
myths, new disobediences, and new commonalities.

Let us change the course of this alienation. Both now and the future
require a new commons, harnessed and transformed out of the planetary
glitch that implicates and connects us all. In response, can we create
open–source strategies founded in inclusion, diversity, balance, and
equity? Tactics which undermine the glorification of technology and
technosolutionism, and remain ever-critical? Might we find resistance
in imaginations of the new normal and the new natural? As the
mechanical glitch of computers resist their binary language, so too
does glitch act as a »much-needed erratum (3)« to our current systems
of violence.

»The glitch is the catalyst, not the error. The glitch is the happy
accident.« -Legacy Russell-

This is a call for artists, designers, (bio)hackers, technologists,
storytellers, writers, healers and shape-shifters to create new
open–source strategies for undoing the trap of this planetary shift.
Among these strategies may include kitchen recipes for eating the
other, pleasure tutorials, witchcraft and alchemy, collective coping
mechanisms, online networks of care, information emancipation,
training exercises for becoming-with our mutations, biohacking
protocols for freeing toxic substances from their molecular mystique,
and digital tools for radical interconnectedness.

Text and image by Mary Maggic

(1) Heather Davies, “Toxic Progeny: The Plastisphere and Other Queer
Futures” (2016)

(2) Laboria Cuboniks, “Xenofeminist Manifesto” (2015)

(3) Legacy Russell, “Digital Dualism and the Glitch Feminism
Manifesto” (2012)

We accept text, performance, documentary video and fiction, 3D
objects, net sculptures and installations, web archives, apps, and any
other experimental mediums. Selected projects should be carried out in
open-source formats that are well-documented, shareable, and consider
the accessibility of its users, who may range in age, race, gender,
economic class, and ability.

Submit your project proposal in the form of:
– a headline
– a concept text in English (1,000–1,500 characters with spaces)
– a header image (high resolution, landscape format)
– a short bio in English (500 characters with spaces)
– a portfolio PDF (images, text, links)

For each call, the curator selects four project proposals, whose
creators are rewarded with a four-week residency and 750 USD. All
selected web residents are nominated for the production prize HASH by
Solitude & ZKM which will be awarded in 2019.

Call release: Nov 23, 2018
Applications: until Jan 6, 2019 (midnight)
Web residencies: Jan 14 – Feb 11, 2019

Web residencies
In 2016, Akademie Schloss Solitude launched the web residencies to
encourage young talents of the international digital scene and artists
from all disciplines dealing with web-based practices. ZKM has been
program partner since 2017. For each call, the curator selects four
project proposals whose creators receive a four-week residency and 750
USD. Artists are invited to experiment with digital technologies and
new art forms, and reflect on the topics set by the curators.
Web residencies are carried out exclusively online, and the works are
presented on schloss-post.com and web-residencies.zkm.de.

Artists and students of all disciplines as well as former or current
Solitude fellows may apply. There is no age limit.

Learn more about the program.

Juror/Curator of this Call

Mary Maggic is a non-binary artist working at the intersection of
biotechnology, cultural discourse, and civil disobedience. Their work
spans documentary video, scientific methodology, public workshopology,
performance, and large scale installation. Maggic’s most recent
projects Open Source Estrogen and Estrofem! Lab generate DIY protocols
for the extraction and detection of estrogen hormone from bodies and
environments, demonstrating its micro-performativity and potential for
mutagenesis, i.e. gender-hacking. They hold a BSA in Biological
Science and Art from Carnegie Mellon University and a MS in Media Arts
and Sciences from MIT Media Lab and their work has exhibited at Haus
der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), OK Center (Linz), Haus der
elektronischen Kunst (Basel), Jeu de Paume (Paris), Institute of
Contemporary Arts (London), and Spring Workshop (Hong Kong).

Submit your content under this link. The deadline is January 6, 2019

Please write to schlosspost(a)akademie-solitude.de if you have any

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