“La Fabrique du vivant”, Paris, March 30, 2019

Organization: IRCAM/Musée national d’art moderne-Centre Pompidou.

The exhibition “La Fabrique du vivant” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris
looks back at the archeology of the living and artificial life and
presents the most important creations and innovations in the domains
of art, design, architecture, and music with works by 50 creatives.

The exhibit’s material evolves; certain works call upon processes of
growth or degeneration. A hundred projects are shown, several of which
were imagined especially for the occasion.

This one day conference features a dialogue between the exhibition’s
curators and artists in the fields of biotechnologies, human and
social sciences on the major themes addressed: engineering nature and
bio-materials, programming the living and modelling the living,
evolving systems and bio-computational architecture.

1:30-2:30pm | Introduction

Marie-Ange Brayer and Olivier Zeitoun, curators

2:30-4pm | Engineering Nature

Between nature and technology, design calls upon “bio-fabrication”, on
new “disruptive technologies” of the living that do not lead to a
form, but to a process. Bio materials, made with biological organisms
(mushroom mycelium, Laminar seaweed, bacteria, yeasts, etc.) lead to
new, sustainable, and biodegradable objects. Design provides research
with new morphologies inspired by life.

Led by Jan Boelen (Z33 Hasselt / Atelier LUMA)

With Eric Klarenbeek and Maartje Dros (artists)

Maurizio Montalti (Officina Corpuscoli, The Netherlands)

David Benjamin (architect)

Teresa van Dongen (designer)

Guillian Graves (designer)

Stéphane Douady (physicist, director of research CNRS)

4-4:30pm | Break

4:30-6pm | Program the Living

Today, artists explore the “living” in laboratories by diving into the
heart of material and the invisible, questioning boundaries between
the living and the non-living. Here, life sciences, genetic
engineering, molecular biology, tissue cultures are used as an
artistic medium. A new, living materiality is explored, raising the
question of the role of humans in their environment.

Led by Olivier Zeitoun (Centre Pompidou)

With Amy Karle (artist)

Hongjie Yang (designer, researcher)

Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (artist, designer)

Julian Melchiorri (engineer, designer)

Donald Ingberg (biologist and director of the Wyss Institute,
University of Harvard)

Philippe Marlière (biologist)

6-7:30pm | Modelling the Living: Scalable Systems and
Bio-Computational Architecture

The architects simulate scalable systems of living growth to develop a
bio-computational architecture. The manipulation of natural phenomena
is coupled with digital fabrication techniques to inaugurate a true
meta-ecology. Micro-organisms transform into an architectural medium
and construction material.

Led by Marie-Ange Brayer (Centre Pompidou)

With Claudia Pasquero (artist, EcologicStudio)

Marcos Cruz (artist)

Anouk Legendre (XTU Architects, Paris)

Spela Petric (artist)

Jean Luc Hervé (composer)

Annick Lesne (physicist, director of research CNRS)


Organization: IRCAM/Musée national d’art moderne-Centre Pompidou.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Reichle
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien /
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Abteilung Medientheorie / Media Theory
Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
1010 Wien, Austria

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