Saturday March 23 / 19h
@ Zentrale / Schererstrasse 11 / Berlin-Wedding

The basic structural elements of Kata Mijatović’s and Zoran Pavelić’s works in 
the joint exhibition project Voices & Words are reflected through the 
implemented notions of text, sound and voice that function as direct and 
literal mediators of meaning in said works or indirectly through artistic 
statements commenting the 'here and now'. Although the works are mainly 
presented in the medium that includes  a visual component: installation, 
objects, performance, photography or video, the basic transfer of the idea 
takes place by means of text, voice and sound. The individual artistic 
interests and individual ways of research of media practice both of artists, 
are encountered in this joint project through synergy of different works, the 
basic feature of which is the use of aforementioned elements in literal and 
figurative sense. Starting from  different artistic positions, in their mutual  
interaction and correlation these works create new readings.
Voices & Words has been realised on several occasions in different 
spaces/cities, always featuring different works determined by the 
particularities of space and locality.
The previous project realization: Gallery Flora /Dubrovnik/ 2014; Gallery Ružić 
/Slavonski Brod/ 2014; Art Quartier/ Budapest/ 2015; Michaela Stock Gallery / 
Vienna /2017; GGL Gallery Labin /Labin 2018 ; MKC Gallery /Skopje, 2018

Kata Mijatović
The main preoccupation of Kata Mijatović's works is reconsideration of the 
complex relationship between the field of conscious and unconscious ‘self’, 
their dichotomy and interaction. A particular segment within the framework of 
these research consists of works/projects with dreams, dealing  with the dream 
phenomenon, these works problematize our perception of reality within 
conscious-unconscious relations.
She was 1956 born in Branjina, Croatia. From 1988-1991 she was member of the 
art group Swamp / Grupa Močvara. From 1991-1993 studied painting at the 
Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence. In 1997 graduated painting at the Academy of 
Fine Arts, Zagreb. from 2005 - 2018, she runs AŽ Gallery at Artistic 
organisation Žitnjak Ateliers, Zagreb.
from 2004 to 2010 he was member of Artistic board of the Baranja Art Colony.
From 2007 she is member of Artistic group PLEH
In 2013 she represented Croatia at 55th International Art Exhibition La 
Biennale di Venezia, with the project Between the Sky and the Earth /curated by 
Branko Franceschi. Lives and works in Zagreb.


​​Zoran Pavelić
Zoran Pavelic is an multimedia artist who works in conceptual art practice. The 
main intention of his artwork is to gauge the social and political weight (or 
lightness) of an artist, art and art institutions. He is interested in the 
impact and correlation of various media, geo-political and other factors on the 
position of an artist and art in society. Actions, interventions, performances 
or site specific work in public spaces, most often question the communicating 
with the artistic and cultural layers of a heritage. His recent works often 
have an expresive social note.
He was born 1961 in Osijek, Croatia. From 1988 to 1991 he was founder and 
member of art group Swamp / Grupa Močvara. In 1998 he graduated painting at 
Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb. From 2000 to 2007 he was member of  artistic 
board of Gallery PM /Zagreb. From 2004 to 2010 he was member of Artistic board 
of the Baranja Art Colony. From 2007 he is art director and member of Artistic 
group PLEH. In 2017, he received award for artistic intervention “Sunny places” 
at Memorial Park Dotršćina /Virtual Museum of Dotršćina; Zagreb.
Lives and works in Zagreb.



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