> Kenneth Goldsmith > *HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails* > Despar Teatro Italia, Venice / Italy > May 9–November 24, 2019 > > *Opening and book signing:* May 9, 7:30pm, with Kenneth Goldsmith > *The Mirror:* May 9, 9:30pm, live cinema performance by People Like Us > > *Despar Teatro Italia* > Campiello de l'Anconeta 1944, Cannaregio > 30121 Venice > Italy > > www.internetsaga.com > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173339&F=H> > Facebook > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173335&F=H> / > Instagram > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173341&F=H> > > Curated by Francesco Urbano Ragazzi > > Despar Teatro Italia opens the door to *HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton > Emails*, a solo exhibition by the artist and poet *Kenneth Goldsmith* > organized by the curatorial team *Francesco Urbano Ragazzi*. The project > will be inaugurated on May 9, 2019 in conjunction with the 58th Venice > Biennale thanks to the combined commitment of *The Internet Saga > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173340&F=H>* > and *Zuecca Projects > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173338&F=H>*, > with the support of Despar Aspiag Service. > > The exhibition will be held in the Cinema Teatro Italia which, at the > beginning of the last century, was the second and largest cinema on the > island. Following a meticulous restoration of its frescoes and a careful > structural renovation, the building was converted into a supermarket by > Despar in 2016. In this spectacular environment, Kenneth Goldsmith reflects > on the intermingling between the private and public spaces in the age of > mass digitalization. His starting point is the case which, exactly ten > years ago, changed irrevocably the notions of privacy and transparency, > propaganda and democracy in Western politics. It was in 2009 when the first > doubts arose regarding a private server that Hillary Clinton was using for > sending e-mails during her term as Secretary of State. Although the > American senator has never been incriminated or convicted for any crime, > the episode certainly contributed to her defeat—and the consequent victory > of Donald Trump—during the Presidential Elections in 2016. > > Using the techniques of appropriation and collage theorized in his book > Uncreative Writing, Kenneth Goldsmith makes public for the first time in > printed format all the e-mails which, according to WikiLeaks, were sent > from the domain clintonemail.com between 2009 and 2013. The almost 60,000 > pages of documentation are printed in double copy and are on display in the > balcony and in the lobby on the second floor of Despar Teatro Italia. The > pile of papers is rather unimpressive, rebutting Trump’s efforts to make > them monumental. In this way, Goldsmith creates the greatest poem of the > 21st century, an anti-monument to the folly of Trump’s heinous smear > campaign against Clinton. In an ambient somewhere between a library, a > theatre stage and an embassy, the language of digital bureaucracy is > transformed into a work of literature. > > *HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails* also has the aim of recreating the > original function of the Despar Teatro Italia. The big cinema screen, which > today is above the gastronomic counter of the supermarket, will be used to > project videos and films. The programming of this temporary cinema will > include a selection of works from UbuWeb, a portal which Kenneth Goldsmith > founded in 1996 to diffuse avant-garde films and poems online. Among the > largest of this type, the archive makes copies of thousands of rare works > available for everyone, representing an essential meeting point between > analogical and digital culture. The projection of UbuWeb on the big screen > has the aim of showing how audio-visual formats are translated and diffused > on the Internet. In the programmes—which will be transmitted every day from > 6 to 7pm and which will be changed weekly—there will be, among others, > works by *Peggy Ahwesh, Sophia Al-Maria, Johanna Bruckner, Alex Da Corte, > Cheryl Donegan, Shadi Habib Allah, Bek Hyunjin, Lev Manovich, Alix > Pearlstein, People Like Us, Christine Rebet, Sabrina Röthlisberger, Sara > Sackner, Leah Singer, Stan VanDerBeek, Jennifer West, Jordan Wolfson.* > > During the inauguration on May 9 the catalogue of the exhibition published > by NERO with texts by Kenneth Goldsmith, Francesco Urbano Ragazzi and the > philosopher Emanuele Coccia will be made available. Furthermore, the > publishing house will present the first translation in the Italian language > of Uncreative Writing and will host a special event in the Despar Teatro > Italia. During the opening night, *People Like Us* > <https://interspire.e-flux.com/link.php?M=72346&N=25638&L=173342&F=H> > will present the Italian premiere of her new live cinema performance *The > Mirror*. > > via
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