Dear all,

we’re proud to announce you the program of Video Vortex #12 in Malta!

Conference and screenings: September 26-29, 2019.
Exhibition:  September 13 until October 27, 2019 (in Spazju Kreattiv)

If you are interested to attend the event and contribute to the
discussions, please contact the vv12 team for details about accomodation

VV XII conference registration:

VV XII screening registration:

Special: ASMR workshop

Schedule of Video Vortex #12 Conference

Day 1: Thursday - September 26, 2019

15:00: Video Vortex Pre-Screening: Dance:
Please refer to the screening pages for the detailed screening schedule

17:00: Opening of Video Vortex Conference
Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam)
Wilfried Acricola di Cologne: Curated screening - The W:OW

18:15: Meet the Video Vortex Artists
Vince Briffa: OUTLAND
Ryan Woodring: The oldest new structure
Q&A with video vortex artists: Werther Germondari & others TBA

19:00: Opening Lecture & Performance
@lbert figurt: Lecture: Desktop Horror
Annie Abrahams, Lisa Parra and Daniel Pinheiro: Performance: DISTANT

Day 2: Friday - September 27, 2019

09:00: Welcome, Registration & Coffee
10:00: Session 1: Online Video Theory I
Trine Bjørkmann Berry: Video Then and Now: A Comparative Analysis of
Early and Late Videoblogging
Andrew Clay: The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. Oakley in the Land of
the Video Bloggers
Karla Brunet: Online Video Cartography
Ana Peraica: Disinterested and dead: Spinning visual media reporting events

12:00: Break

13:00: Session 2: Activism
Donatella della Ratta: The vanished image: who owns the archives of the
Arab uprisings?
Aishwarya Viswanathan: Staged Fear: Real and Imagined Audiences of Mob
Lynching Videos in India
Confusion of Tongues: Moving Membranes

15:00: Break

16:00: Session 3: Streaming & Platforms
Dino Ge Zhang: A Theory of Livestreaming Video
Andreas Treske and Aras Ozgun: Narrative Platforms: Towards a Morphology
of New Audience Activities and Narrative Forms
Tomasz Hollanek: The Netflix Clinic: (experi)Mental Entertainment in the
Age of Psychometrics
Antonia Hernandez: There's something compelling about real life’: early
webcam tropes on current sexcam platforms
Special: ASMR workshop (parallel session on invitation only)
Lucille Calmel & Damien Petitot: Soft Screens Soft Skins Soft: an ASMR

18:00: Break

20:00: Video Vortex evening screening
Please refer to the screening pages for the detailed screening schedule

Day 3: Saturday - September 28, 2019

09:00: Welcome, Registration & Coffee
09:30: Special: Breakfast Screening
Colette Tron: Screening: Digital images and films, what’s the matter?
10:00: Session 4: Online Video Theory II
Colette Tron: Digital images and films, what’s the matter?
Mitra Azar: From Selfie to Algorithmic Facial Image
Chris Meigh-Andrews and Vince Briffa: EDAU Artists' Film and Video Study

12:00: Break

13:00: Session 5: Experiments in Aesthetics
Dan Oki: The Absence of Telepresence
Hiroko Kimura-Myokam: Video hosting service as a presenting space and a
Patrick Lichty: Not Really Like Being There
Richard Misek: A Machine for Viewing: a virtual reality video essay

15:00: Break

16:00: Session 6: Workshops/lecture on tech issues
Pablo Núñez Palma and Bram Loogman: Jan Bot
Heiko Recktenwald: Montage der Sensationen
Adnan Hadzi and Oliver Lerone Schultz: VV12 book
Special: ASMR workshop (parallel session on invitation only)
Lucille Calmel & Damien Petitot: Soft Screens Soft Skins Soft: an ASMR

18:00: Closing Ceremony
Andrew Alamango: Magna Żmien (Time Machine)
Judith Kis: Practices Beyond the SELF

Day 4: Sunday - September 29, 2019

14:00: Replay Day
Please refer to the screening pages for the detailed screening schedule

Schedule of Video Vortex #12 Screenings:

Day 1: Thursday - September 26, 2019

15:00: Pre-VV12 Screening: Dance
Rita Barbosa: Error 500, 1:44
Daniela Lucanto: When I dance, 67 min.
Vito Alfarano: I have a dream, 38:20

Day 2: Friday - September 27, 2019

20:00: Screening I: Structures
Adam Fish: Points of Presence, 18:46
Albert Merino: Bestiary, 5:10
Lotte Louise de Jong: BRB, 5:25
Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum: Go Move Be, 9:50
Samantha Harvey: Auto tune me, 4:31

21:00: Screening II: Internet, Sadness, Love
Andres Azzolina: Puntomov, 15:15
Glasz DeCuir: Yes I saw an angel, 2:37
María José Ribas: Torremolinos Match, 8:51
Pedro Gomes: Mutilated Dreams, 10:22
Salvador Miranda: Aim Down Sights, 7:30

22:00: Screening III: Myself Any Other Night
Sofia Braga: I stalk myself, 13:26
María José Ribas: Seismographical, 2:03
Zimu Zhang & Zheng Lu Xinyuan: Just like any other night, 29:33

Day 4: Sunday - September 29, 2019

14:00: Screening I: Structures
Adam Fish: Points of Presence, 18:46
Albert Merino: Bestiary, 5:10
Lotte Louise de Jong: BRB, 5:25
Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum: Go Move Be, 9:50
Samantha Harvey: Auto tune me, 4:31

15:00: Screening II: Internet, Sadness, Love
Andres Azzolina: Puntomov, 15:15
Glasz DeCuir: Yes I saw an angel, 2:37
María José Ribas: Torremolinos Match, 8:51
Pedro Gomes: Mutilated Dreams, 10:22
Salvador Miranda: Aim Down Sights, 7:30

16:00: Screening III: Myself Any Other Night
Sofia Braga: I stalk myself, 13:26
María José Ribas: Seismographical, 2:03
Zimu Zhang & Zheng Lu Xinyuan: Just like any other night, 29:33

17:00: Screening IV: The W:OW
Wilfried Acricola di Cologne: Curated screening - The W:OW (ca 60 min.)
rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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