Call for entries Deadline: 31 October 2019 *The Wake Up! Memorial* will be adding in 2020 a new section dedicated to the “climate change” to be presented online, as well as in physical space via curated screenings.
Artists working with audio-vidual media are invited to submit works in the field of film/video and sonic art on the topic – *“Climate Change!” and preseving the natural environment on Earth for future generations.*. Short films/videos may have a maximum duration of 10 minutes (exceptions possible) in many formats ranging from documentary via artvideo to experimental film. *The Wake Up! Memorial* – is a corporate part of the *7 Memorials for Humanity* – Regulations & entry for on netEX - calls & deadlines: -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: