Out now on Industrial Coast: /Inconvenient/, C35 tape, 8,- £.
https://industrialcoast.bigcartel.com/product/david-wallraf Label Statement: These recordings were assembled in a rather/inconvenient/ way during a period in 2019 when the audio interface on DW’s computer did not work properly. All sounds had to be recorded on mobile devices and then transferred to a DAW for mixing. The pieces revolve around /impossibilities/ – transducing and transposing inaudible events into the hearable spectrum and mixing unrelated audio from different locations to create the simulacrum of a place that never really existed. The détournements of song titles by Bob Dylan and Don van Vliet act as a reminder to the possibility of deconstructing your own memories and archives. The aesthetic choices made during the recording process were influenced by the collage work /Une Semaine de Bonté/ by Max Ernst. Eine digitale Version ist hier erhältlich: https://davidwallraf.bandcamp.com/album/inconvenient -- ﴾‖⁞ࣱࣶࣻ꙰ࣱࣨ꙲ࣱ꙱ࣶ࣯ࣵ☠ᵀ⡱⢞‡⁞ࣱࣶࣻ꙰ࣱࣨ꙲ࣱ꙱ࣶ࣯ࣵ davidwallraf.com davidwallraf.bandcamp.com soundcloud.com/david-wallraf ﴾ۜ‗‟…ۭ۫ۘۛᴓۖ⚡⁞ࣱࣶࣻ꙰ࣱࣨ꙲ࣱࣼ⡸⡋ᴉࣨ꙱ࣶࣵࣵࣳ┘ࣶᾮ࣬⃝ -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost http://post.in-mind.de/pipermail/rohrpost/ Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/