Richard Ovenden’s new book, “Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate
Destruction of Knowledge ... mehr


On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 4:56 PM Karl Dietz <> wrote:

> Richard Ovenden’s new book, “Burning the Books: A History of the
> Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge
> <>,”
> is a litany of this sort of tragedy. “The preservation of information
> continues to be a key tool in the defense of open societies,” Ovenden, who
> runs the Bodleian Libraries, at Oxford, writes. unesco’s report “Lost
> Memory
> <,-The%20present%20document&text=van%20der%20Hoeven%2C%20is%20an,archives%2C%20whether%20written%20or%20audiovisual.>”
> is an inventory of inventories: a list of libraries and archives that were
> destroyed in the twentieth century, including the widespread devastations
> of the First and Second World Wars, the burning of some of the collections
> in the National Library in Phnom Penh by the Khmer Rouge, and the
> destruction of the National and University Library in Sarajevo, by the
> Bosnian Serb Army, in 1992. Libraries house books: copies. Archives store
> documents: originals. Archives cannot be replaced. As unesco’s report
> puts it, “The loss of archives is as serious as the loss of memory in a
> human being.”
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