Dear Rohrpost List, I would like to invite you to come to our upcoming conference in Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin (or on streaming). You can also follow us remotely using our online chat for questions to the speakers.
SMART PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control March 24–26 · 2023. 29th conference of the Disruption Network Lab. The conference SMART PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control traces back the creation of "algorithms of security" through the past twenty years, reflecting on the effects of technological violence and surveillance directed at migrants, activists, and dissidents in Europe and worldwide. Alongside ethical questions around the abuse of privacy, these technological implementations need to be analysed to hold governments and corporations accountable and socially responsible. Deploying automatised technologies may increase problems of bias, discrimination, and wrongful punishments, and raise psychological pressures to conform, furthering a culture hostile to dissent. SMART PRISONS looks at how specific targets, whether prisoners, migrants at borders, or dissidents, have been progressively marginalised, trapped inside prison facilities, detention centres, or within systems of automatised control, being labeled as threats or suspects, due to intersectional biases or critical political activity. ## Schedule # Friday March 24, 2023 17:00 – 17:15 · OPENING & INTRODUCTION Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE). 17:15 – 18:45 · KEYNOTE: Investigating the Vernon C. Bain Center: Constellations of Offshore Detention Sean Vegezzi (Artist and Researcher, US). Respondent: Adnan Softić (Artist, BA/DE). 19:10 – 19:30 · VIDEO ESSAY · Traces By Fiamma Montezemolo, Critical Times, 2012 19:30 – 21:30 · PANEL: Are Algorithms and Borders the New Jailers? Srishti Jaswal (Journalist, IN), Sanjana Varghese (Investigator at Airwars, Journalist, UK), Petra Molnar (Associate Director, Refugee Law Lab / Co-creator, Migration and Technology Monitor, CA/US), Fiamma Montezemolo (Artist and Anthropologist, IT/US). Moderated by Sonja Peteranderl (Journalist, DE). ## Saturday March 25 16:30 – 18:30 · PANEL: Revisiting the Genoa G8 2001: Another World is Possible, and it Needs Another Kind of Computing Carlo A. Bachschmidt (Film Director, IT), MF (Social Worker, IT/DE), Dan McQuillan (Lecturer in Creative and Social Computing, UK). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE). 19:00 – 20:15 · PANEL: Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks & Networked Repression Stella Assange (Julian Assange's wife, Lawyer, UK), Kevin Gosztola (Journalist, Dissenter Newsletter Editor, US). Introduced and moderated by Stefania Maurizi (Investigative Journalist, IT). 20:15 – 22:00 · SCREENING · Ithaka (not streamed) Documentary (2022) ‧ 1h 46m. Director: Ben Lawrence, Producers: Gabriel Barber Shipton, Adrian Devant, Music composed by: Brian Eno, Cinematography: Niels Ladefoged, Editor: Karen Johnson. With John Shipton, Stella Assange, Vivienne Westwood, Ai Weiwei, John Pilger. ## Sunday March 26 (not streamed) # 11:30 – 13:30 · WORKSHOP · ISIS Prison Break: Deploying Open Source and Visual Methods for Investigations With: Imogen Piper (Motion Graphic Reporter, formerly Airwars, now Washington Post, UK) and Sanjana Varghese (Investigator at Airwars, Journalist, UK). # 14:30 – 17:30 · WORKSHOP · G8 Genoa 2001: A Grassroots Media Forensics Toolbox With: Carlo Bachschmidt (Film Director, IT) and Manolo Luppichini (Filmmaker & Author, IT). More info: Tickets: -- Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director Disruption Network Lab E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at) Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0 -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: