Dear all,
I would like to invite you to the talk & workshop we are organising on 4
September from 19:00 at nGbK (Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 11/13, 10178 Berlin).
With Katrien Jacobs (Adjunct Associate Professor in Cultural Studies at
the Chinese University of Hong Kong, BE) and I. M. (Mathematician & AI
Researcher, NL/DE).
Since far-right leaders are weaponising conspiracy theories and "gender
phantasms", including a full denial of gender identities and LGBTQ
rights, how can porn movies fortify these claims? As a strictly censored
yet resilient media trend, why is deepfake technology being used by
anonymous creators to "fornicate" with democracy while eroding the
livelihood of gender, sex and porn cultures?
Some additional information:
Talk: 19:00-20.00, September 4
Deepfake technology is a form of Artificial Intelligence that creates
video and aural content by synthetically merging recorded faces, facial
expressions, and speech patterns onto other videos. The technology is
commonly used to modify the statements and performances of political
leaders and celebrities as political satire and/or artistic
experimentation and has also become a widely used tool of fake news and
disinformation. The commodification of deepfake technology has led to
large quantities of sexualized deepfakes featuring politicians,
celebrities or activists. Sex scenes and facial data are stolen and
synthesized for pleasure and entertainment, and then repackaged as
hate-media intended to impact and silence public figures. In this talk
and workshop, we will try to find out to which extent such deepfakes can
be seen as an aspect of far-right “fashy” media culture.
Workshop: 20:00-21.00, September 4
Since non-consensual deepfake content as hate-media has become a
widespread practice, the workshop will ask participants to reimagine and
reinvent common AI and deepfake content with focus on gender inclusivity
and queer creativity. Would it be possible to develop inclusive and
artistic deepfake content that is made with ethical standards, which
means that the actors/actresses and deepfake figures or personalities
had to give written consent for their facial, aural, or bodily features
to be used? The workshop will invite people to deepfake consider tech
experiments and debates regarding sexual experimentation and otherness.
No technical skills or equipment needed.
The event is free, but given the sensitive subject matter, it would be
important to register and attend (not streamed):
More info:
-- Check also our upcoming conferences:
Hacking Alienation: Migrant Power, Art & Tech
Sept 21–22 2024
Investigating the Kill Cloud: Information Warfare, Autonomous Weapons &
AI · 10 Years Disruption Network Lab
All the best,
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
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