A series of weekly working groups and workshops at
xxxxx_micro_research [Berlin]; an independent research centre focusing
on the expanded construction and experience of free software and open


May 9th 2PM: Horror Vacui - careful experimentation with monitor cathode ray 
tubes [with Jo FRGMNT Grys] 


May 23rd 2PM: Jamming through Runtime [workshop and performance with Valentina 

May 30th 2PM: RFID sniffer and RFIDuino [with Marc Boon]

Forthcoming matter: 

software radio, hydrogen line, micro-cuisine, kitchen sink chemistry,
Kicad, openEEG, fiction generation, thoughtography, org-mode

... contact if you're interested in leading [un]-related workshop.


May 9th 2PM: Horror Vacui - careful experimentation with monitor
cathode ray tubes [with Jo FRGMNT Grys]

This workshop is concerned with the re-use of VGA/CRT monitors as
experimental devices. It covers basic considerations of electronic
vacuum technology, particle acceleration, de- & re-construction
praising the empty space. Danger, sparks & entertainment!

Practical experiments will be performed including VGA signal
generation, interference, signal injection, modification, graphical
animation without computer.

Participants are free to bring:

- old VGA monitors
- Arduino or equivalents with arduino 0012 installed (0015 produces some jitter 
due to
  optimisations) (http://www.arduino.cc)
- GNU/Linux, Mac OS, Windows 
- cut off VGA cables.

Additional monitors, equipment and Arduino-equivalents will be available.

Printed documentation/sourcecode will be delivered

Jo Grys (aka FRGMNT) is a lowtech/hitech noise scientist who lives & works in
Berlin. http://tob.de.vu

Fee: 10 euros (all materials and food!)

Please email m...@1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners at pickledfeet have included Martin Kuentz
(p...@scrying.org), Julian Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek
Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com),
Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik Olofsson
(http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona
http://www.zuviel.tv/mikomikona.html, Antony Hall
(http://antonyhall.net), Gijs Gieskes (http://gieskes.nl/), Alexei
Blinov (http://www.raylab.com) ua.

xxxxx_micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482. 

xxxxx_micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009




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