** Description

Breakthrough proposes an experimental, interdisciplinary event
constructing a new field of research and play. Breakthrough signals
the skewed extension and plain rupture with a series of earlier
actions [London, Bergen, Berlin] exploring the material basis of
technology and expanding on the practice of life coding.

The term breakthrough describes a sudden shift in understanding or
technologies, and, finally, a clearing (Lichtung), an entry into
unknown and unmapped territories. An enclosure is breached allowing
access to another, totally unforeseen state or space. Communication is
thus implied, a new form of exchange, perhaps between two otherwise
unconnected domains, between the living and the dead, between many
worlds. What does the sheer possibility of a breakthrough imply for
communication between the past and the future?

Breakthrough, as event, signals a change in direction, a pointing
towards new ways of actively describing and creating the world. Within
a complex mise en scene of workshops, lectures and performances,
diverse artists, theorists, researchers, and hackers collaborate in
the creation of a breakthrough which can rupture the enclosure of
scientific rationalism and enlightenment without recourse to named

** Call for projects/actions:

Breakthrough calls for projects which perform, describe and construct
(in process) a rupture or breaking through of the projects of
rationalism and capital of past or future intention. Projection and
play with time space co-ordinate points is encouraged.

Potential actions investigations could very well extend into:

practical endophysics, sound and radio wave transitions, diagrammatic
formation, clustering and islanding, simulations coding and
exploration, biologic interface, crashing, brain writing,
construction, environmental steganography, data forensics, escape
hatch literature, novel geometry description, life coding, interrupt
theatre, pornographic coding, amateur radio astronomy

Breakthrough will be prepared within a three day workshop in Berlin,
towards the construction of a one day event distributed across the
city, and maintained with a strict scheduling and interrupt system
backbone (micro-FM and Internet).

Please submit short messages of intent to: m...@1010.co.uk by 29 May

Breakthrough is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009

** Postscript:

Byrne: "I do not want to get a long half-hour involvement about
Faraday cages, diodes, or transistors and so on. Ken, in very simple
language and very shortly, have you been able to break this thing

Attwood: "Technically, no."

[Voices From The Tapes. Peter Bander. 1973]

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