Source: Cooperative Housing Foundation International
Date: 31 Jan 2007

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homes in Romania help flood affected families get back on their feet

In 2004 and 2005, the small city of Comanesti in Bacau County, Romania was
devastated by flooding of the Trotus River. In the process, hundreds of
homes were destroyed, leaving many families homeless.

The U.S. Government was among the first donors to respond to the crisis in
this community, donating emergency supplies including food, personal hygiene
items, portable heaters, and water purification systems. CHF
International/Romania continued this assistance through the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) funded Romanian Flood Recovery (RFR)
Program. The overall goal of the RFR Program is to reduce human suffering,
increase the ability of affected families to return to work as quickly as
possible, and allow affected populations to rapidly return to normal life
with dignity.

CHF implemented the largest and most complex RFR project in this community
through financing the construction of 37 new homes for the most affected
families in Comanesti. Inauguration of the 37 homes took place on December
13th, 2006. The event was attended by all of the beneficiary families, local
authorities, and USAID and CHF representatives. Viorel Miron, the Mayor of
Comanesti City, Rodger Garner, the Chief of Mission for USAID Romania, and
Mazen Fawzy, the Country Director for CHF International Romania each
delivered speeches to mark the occasion.

The value of the entire Comanesti project was approximately $770,000,
consisting of $490,000 from USAID, via the RFR Program, $220,000 from the
Romanian Government, $42,000 from the Comanesti City Hall, and a $16,000
donation of labor and materials from the contracted local construction firm.

A partnership between the City Hall, the Government of Romania, CHF, and
USAID led to success. Despite the tragedy and hardship brought by the
disastrous flooding, the community of Comanesti rallied to help one another
rise above the destruction and begin to rebuild their lives. CHF is proud to
have been able to play a role in assisting the most affected families return
to a state of normalcy and move forward with their lives.

C 2007 ReliefWeb


"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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