510-507747> &categorie=politics&id=20070510-507747

King Mihai I wants new Constitution for Romania


published in issue 3929 page 4 at 2007-05-11


King Mihai received yesterday the award Hanno R. Ellenbogen Citizenship, on
the day of the anniversary of 80 years since he was sworn in as Sovereign of
Romania. During monarchy, May 10 was the national day of Romania.

"Romania needs to carve an European Constitution that would give a clear,
unequivocal and complementary role to the institutions of the state," said
yesterday His Majesty King Mihai, in a political message read at the
anniversary of the Royalty Day. "All that pushes aside from this will have
the only effect to weaken the country and to attract more and more
contestations. Through this historical will, it is possible to carry out the
economic and social reconstruction of the country," added His Majesty at the
ceremony from Elizabeta Palace when he was handed over the award.

Hanno R. Ellenbogen Citizenship Award is granted every year to a public
personality that contributed to understanding and international cooperation.
Among the laureates of this award are Vaclav Havel, Lord Robertson,
Madeleine Albright, maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy, and the director Milos


by Nine oClock <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock

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