
*CIA ran secret prisons for detainees in Europe, says inquiry*

*Stephen Grey*
*Friday June 8, 2007*


The CIA operated secret prisons in Europe where terrorism suspects could be
interrogated and were allegedly tortured, an official inquiry will conclude

Despite denials by their governments, senior Polish and Romanian security
officials have confirmed to the Council of Europe that their countries were
used to hold some of America's most important prisoners captured after 9/11
in secret.

None of the prisoners had access to the Red Cross and many were subject to
what George Bush has called the CIA's "enhanced" interrogation, which
critics have condemned as torture. Although suspicions about the secret CIA
prisons have existed for more than a year, the council's report, seen by the
Guardian, appears to offer the first concrete evidence. It also details the
prisons' operations and the identities of some of the prisoners.

The council has also established that within weeks of the 9/11 attacks, Nato
signed an agreement with the US that allowed civilian jets used by the CIA
during its so-called extraordinary rendition programme to move across member
states' airspace. Its report states: "We have sufficient grounds to declare
that the highest state authorities were aware of the CIA's illegal
activities on their territories." The council's investigators believe that
agreement may have been illegal.

The full extent of British logistic support for the extraordinary rendition
programme was first disclosed by the Guardian, which reported in September
2005 that aircraft operated by the CIA had flown in and out of UK civilian
and military airports hundreds of times.

The 19-month inquiry by the council, which promotes human rights across
Europe, was headed by Dick Marty, a Swiss senator and former state
prosecutor. He said: "What was previously just a set of allegations is now
proven: large numbers of people have been abducted from various locations
across the world and transferred to countries where they have been
persecuted and where it is known that torture is common practice."

His report says there is "now enough evidence to state that secret detention
facilities run by the CIA [existed] in Europe from 2003 to 2005, in
particular in Poland and Romania". Mr Marty has told Channel 4's Dispatches,
in a report to be broadcast on Monday, that the jails were run "directly and
exclusively" by the CIA. This was only possible because of "collaboration at
various institutional levels of America's many partner countries".

He succeeded in confirming details of the CIA's prisons by using his own
"intelligence methods", which included tracking agents on both sides of the
Atlantic , and persuading them to talk. Officials in Poland and Romania have
repeatedly denied the existence of CIA facilities or the presence of
detainees held by US authorities.

But Mr Marty concluded: "All the members and partners of Nato signed up to
the same permissive - not to say illegal - terms that allowed CIA operations
to permeate throughout the European continent and beyond ..." There was no
immediate comment from Nato.

*ยท* Stephen Grey presents Dispatches - Kidnapped to Order on Monday June 11
at 8pm on Channel 4.
Guardian Unlimited (c) Guardian News and Media Limited 2007


* "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark
of greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

*"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)*

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