Tocmai am citit in "New Statesman" un scurt articol elogios la adresa
vinurilor romanesti, semnat Roger Scruton (filozof si scriitor britanic).
La inceputul articolului, autorul aminteste de politica lui Ceausescu de
distrugere a satelor romanesti, pentru ca la sfarsit sa se refere la
distrugerea bisericilor si a unor cartiere intregi din Bucuresti si
inlocuirea lor cu blocuri comuniste.
Din pacate, distrugerea Bucurestiului continua cu frenezie (si parca mai cu
spor) in zilele noastre.  Vile vechi si monumente de arhitectura sunt
inlocuite de structuri impersonale din beton si sticla, iar pentru ca
uratirea orasului sa fie completa, multe fatade sunt acoperite de reclame
uriase, stridente.  Asa cum spune si autorul, "Ceausescu ar fi putut
distruge Bucurestiul pe gratis si in timp record pur si simplu dand mana
libera multinationalelor.  Securistii s-au prins de chestia asta inaintea
lui, au avut grija sa-l asasineze, si-au privatizat economia pentru ei, si
apoi au oferit orasul dezvoltatorilor si agentiilor de publicitate..."
"A couple of weeks ago I drank a bottle of the Cabernet Sauvignon from La
Cetate with one of our protégées.  It was in a Bucharest restaurant, from
the window of which you could see only the vast TV screens that desecrate
the façades on every thoroughfare. My thoughts reverted to Ceausescu, and
his schemes for modernising Romania, one of which involved bulldozing the
old quarters of Bucharest and destroying the churches. 

This time-consuming and labour-intensive project was entirely typical of
someone brought up on the communist “five-year plan”. Ceausescu could have
destroyed Bucharest at no cost, and in no time at all, simply by allowing
free reign to the multinationals. The Securitate got the point before he
did, saw to his assassination, privatised the economy to themselves, and
handed over the city to the developers and the advertisers. It took another
bottle of La Cetate for us to swallow this thought."

Articolul complet la

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