Saturday May 16,2009
By Nick Fagge
 Story Image

NEW LIFE: Romanians wait at the train station in Sibiu, one of the main
routes out of Romania

AT LEAST two million young ­Romanians intend to leave their
­poverty-stricken homeland – with Britain as their first destination of
choice, a survey revealed last night.

One in six 18 to 34-year-olds in one of the EU’s poorest countries say they
see no future there and want to quit.

Twenty-one per cent name the UK as their preferred destination, meaning up
to 500,000 young Romanians want to move here.

Others intend to start a new life in Spain and Italy, with the two countries
respectively the top choice for 16 and 11 per cent of those questioned. 

The survey – called Youth And Their Concerns – in which more than 2,000
young Romanians were interviewed last week, found 2.4million think they have
no future in their own country.

They said they were fed up with the rampant corruption, poor economy, rising
prices and average wages of less than £50 a week. Others simply said they
wanted to earn more money.

Yesterday Romanian teacher Ionela Baciu, 29, said: “I want to go to UK. I
speak English and I have heard ­salaries are high.”

And doctor Clara Matei said: “I want to go to UK as I’ve heard I’ll be paid
a minimum £1,000 a month.”

Last night there was growing alarm over a potential new wave of mass
immigration from
Romanians-#> eastern Europe.

Nigel Farage, leader of the
Romanians-#> United Kingdom Independence Party, said: “We must end this
madness and stop unlimited immigration into Britain.

“The only way we can do this is to leave the EU and take back control of our

There are already restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working in
Britain, but up to 100,000 are here. Sir Andrew Green of MigrationWatchUK
said: “The UK must keep its labour market closed to unskilled Romanians and

“The present restrictions are not perfect but what can be done must be done
– especially in the depths of a recession.”

Officially, just under a million eastern Europeans have come here since
Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia
and ­Slovenia joined the EU in 2004, with Romania and Bulgaria joining in
2007. The true figure is known to be more than a million, however.

Last night Immigration Minister Phil Woolas said he wanted the ­UK economy
to benefit from migrants while protecting British jobs. 

A Border Agency spokesman said: “Romanians face strict restrictions. They
can only come here to work if we need them.”

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