> -----Original Message-----
> From: mobilizare-boun...@rosiamontana.ro
> [ <mailto:mobilizare-boun...@rosiamontana.ro>
mailto:mobilizare-boun...@rosiamontana.ro] On Behalf Of
> rox...@rosiamontana.ro
> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 3:02 PM
> To: mobiliz...@rosiamontana.ro
> Subject: [Mobilizare] Emisiune despre Rosia Montana la
> Realitatea TV/ TV show on Rosia Montana
> Please find the English version below.
> Emisiune despre Rosia Montana la Realitatea TV Duminica orele
> 16.15-18.00 tematica emisiunii Strada, scoala si spital
> realizata de Mihai Tatulici  este Rosia Montana. Cu un spot
> publicitar vadit partinitor pentru compania miniera, Tatulici
> anunta o intalnire de gradul III intre reprezentatii
> companiei si localnicii din opozitie.
> Va invitam sa urmariti aceasta emisiune, iar daca formatul
> emisiunii permite sa interveniti cu intrebari si comentarii
> in sprijinul campaniei Salvati Rosia Montana.
> De mentionat faptul ca in aceasta perioada RMGC deruleaza o
> ampla campanie de PR si este foarte probabil ca aceasta
> emisiune sa fie parte din contractul de publicitate incheiat
> de Gold cu trustul media Realitatea-Catavencu.
> TV show on Rosia Montana at Realitatea TV The Romanian
> television Realitatea TV will broadcast live from Rosia
> Montana on Sunday, from 4.15-6.00 pm (GMT+2) a TV show where
> are invited to participate the mining company representatives
> and locals that oppose the project from the Save Rosia
> Montana campaign.
> It is worth mentioning that RMGC is paying for an intensive
> advertising campaign a the moment and that, probably, this TV
> show is also part of the advertising contract.
> In addition, we are also emailing you the English version of
> an important Alburnus Maior press realese that appeared a few
> days ago and that is also connected to the advertising
> campaign that RMGC is coordinating.
> Its official - Gabriel's TV ad misinforms, manipulates and
> peddles untruths Romania's Audiovisual Council halts the
> screening of Gabriel's "Rosia Montana - 4 billion dollars" TV ad
> Rosia Montana/ Romania; 25 June 2009  - Romania's Audiovisual
> Council decided earlier this week to halt the screening of
> Gabriel's TV ad entitled "Rosia Montana - 4 billion dollars."
> According to Romania's Audiovisual Council, Gabriel's ad
> contravenes article 107 of government decision 187/2006 by
> which TV ads need to correctly inform the public. The
> decision comes at a time when public distrust and reaction
> against Gabriel's TV ad has been mounting.
> In May 2009 Gabriel Resources ('Gabriel'), the inexperienced
> miner that wishes to exploit Rosia Montana for gold/silver
> and uproot the locals and much else that stand in the way,
> launched a TV ad (1) that asked citizens where Romania should
> generally invest 4 billion dollars. Better education, health
> etc. were the answers given to the camera. The clip ends with
> a bold claim that Gabriel will invest 4 billion dollars into
> Romania without saying how, by what means or what Gabriel's
> activity is. The ad campaign provoked vehement reaction with
> several civil society groups creating spoof ads (2), viral
> spots (3), blogs (4) and posters (5) in response. In June
> 2009 Gheorghe Funar a former Senator from Cluj submitted an
> official request to Romania&#146;s Audiovisual Council
> ('Council') asking it to halt the screening of Gabriel's TV
> ad. The Council's decision was taken in consultation with
> Romania's National Council for Publicity.
> According to Ioan Onisei, the Council's vice-president quoted
> by HotNews
> (6) the ad "misinforms, manipulates and peddles untruths" and
> what is claimed in the ad "has no relevance with the true
> mechanisms of money distribution into the economy."
> "RMGC started this campaign by assuming that their project
> will go ahead just like that and as if the law and people
> don't count. They thought that the only thing that matters is
> nice 'packaging' and 'communication'.
> Luckily people in Romania are highly aware about such
> manipulation tactics and Gabriel's ad is something that has
> come to be known as badvertising,"
> comments Luminita Dejeu, graphic designer and member of the
> Save Rosia Montana campaign.
> "Gabriel's claims in the ad are as false as its claims about
> the mine project. I think that more people than ever have
> understood this now thanks to the ad. I was really amazed
> about the creative reaction that Gabriel's ad provoked and
> just love watching the spoof ads and spots over and over
> again. I hope Gabriel's next round of ads will provoke as
> entertaining a reaction!" concludes Eugen David, president of
> Alburnus Maior.
> For more information contact Stephanie Roth via email at
> alburnusma...@ngo.ro or at  +40 740 342104  .
> ___________________
> 1.
>  <http://www.adplayers.ro/articol/Conturi-5/Bogdan-Naumovici-dat>
-afara-de-la-TV-cu-investitiile-RMCG-de-4-Miliarde-de-> dolari-3119.html
> 2.  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ0oc2t5nZU>
> 3.  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26vIw5BEAyo>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26vIw5BEAyo and
>  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKi99wJXqSw>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKi99wJXqSw  and
>  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSUj8PKVZ6o>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSUj8PKVZ6o  and
>  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikb3QLPIiOs>
> 4.  <http://ro.wordpress.com/tag/rosia-montana/>
> 5.  <http://www.mindbomb.ro/> http://www.mindbomb.ro/
> 6.
>  <http://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-media_publicitate-5853738-cna>
> www.rosiamontana.org

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