>From favelas to orphanages: inside the stories of injustice
Chris Rogers tells Matthew Bell of the trouble stirred up by his new book, 
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Over the past six months, Chris Rogers has learned what can happen to those who 
cross "people in high places". It's nearly the end of our interview when the 
35-year-old reporter begins to describe scenes straight out of a Jason Bourne 
film. "I've had a taste of what they're capable of," he says cryptically, "I've 
realised that you can be shut down – you can be gagged and your life can be 
made absolute hell."

What is he talking about? Is he being a mite paranoid? "You do get a little 
paranoid. Every time I'm on the phone and I hear a distant beep – that's the 
line being bugged. I've had emails that have gone missing. My bins have been 
searched through. I've been followed on the Tube."

>From most people, this would sound like the fantasies of an over-excited 
>conspiracy theorist. But in his investigative work for ITN and the BBC, Rogers 
>has exposed human rights abuses on a shocking scale in Romania, Turkey and 
>elsewhere; he has sparked diplomatic rows and has been sued by Buckingham 
>Palace. It's not surprising there are people who would like him to pipe down.

The publication on Tuesday of his book, Undercover, concludes a lengthy battle 
with the palace, which fought hard to prevent its release. It tells the story 
of how Sarah, the Duchess of York, joined Rogers on an investigation in Turkey 
into the appalling conditions in which thousands of orphans are housed. The 
documentary caused a diplomatic row between the UK and Turkey, forcing the 
Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, to call a meeting with his Turkish 
counterpart. Turkey still demands the extradition of Rogers and the duchess for 
the "violation of privacy" in their secret filming, which carries a five-year 
jail sentence.

"I've gone through six months of hell," says Rogers. "This is a book the palace 
and Turkey never wanted to happen." Although the duchess and Rogers are 
friends, he has just emerged from a legal battle in which they appeared on 
court documents as the opposing parties. He is unable to elaborate but says the 
case has now been settled. It has cost him tens of thousands of pounds and his 
house is on the market to raise more. In October, his wife left him after a 
two-and-a-half year marriage. "It's a shame, but that's a trade-off of the job. 
She was supportive but in the end just didn't get it. I think it's tough, as a 
journalist, to have a close relationship with somebody."

But there are journalists and there are journalists: Rogers is a paid-up member 
of the awkward squad and admits to thriving on adrenalin. Over a 20-year TV 
career he has developed a speciality in exposing human rights abuses, and is 
about to fly off to Brazil to follow a lead.

It was there, as a 16-year-old, that he first experienced the burning sense of 
injustice which has spurred him on ever since. He had won a competition to 
present a BBC show, and was flown out to live in a favela for a week. A teenage 
girl he met and danced withwas shot dead while he was there. "It had a real 
effect on me. I saw a lot of street children, a lot of bodies in boxes. The 
death squads were going out and killing street kids. It's a well known story 
now, but at the time I couldn't believe nobody was reporting it. That is when I 
got interested in journalism; I wanted to tell the story."

He left school at 15 and lied about his age to join the BBC as a trainee, 
becoming a Newsround reporter at 19. Since then, he has done stints at Sky, 
where he was on call for 9/11, and at ITN. Now he works on contract for the 
BBC, where he says he has the scope for the long-term investigations he thrives 

Rogers has acted variously as aid worker, missionary and on several occasions 
as a child trafficker or pimp. His methods came under scrutiny in 2008 when, in 
an ITN investigation, he was filmed buying a Romanian girl for €800, who was 
then handed over to a rehabilitation charity. Romanian police accused Rogers of 
kidnapping the girl, whom they claimed was 25, although he maintains she was 14 
or 15, and had been abused "10 times a day since the age of nine".

"There's always a danger of becoming too involved. I'm there just to tell the 
story. I'm not supposed to be an agent of change. But sometimes it's difficult 
to stand back." In conversation and in his book, Rogers tells of horrific 
scenes he has witnessed in orphanages in Romania and Turkey, scenes it is hard 
to believe still exist within the EU.

After our interview, he is off to cover a story about the RMT, the railworkers 
union. It seems a rather mundane assignment for someone who has taken on 
governments, and been intimidated and followed by unknown agents. "The day will 
come when I give it all up and settle down with a pair of slippers," he says. 
"It is rattling. I definitely upset the people at the top. But all that only 
encourages me to keep going."



 <> focusonromania wrote:

Monday, 22 March 2010 at 08:41 am (UTC)


Well done to Chris for all his work in exposing injustice. He is right in his 
comments about Romania; the "orphanage" system there still houses tens of 
thousands of disabled young adults whose basic rights are denied to them in a 
sick attempt by the Romanian government to keep Ceausescu's dream alive. The 
Bucharest government would like us to believe that no disability exists in 
their perfect race, so they keep disabled persons out of sight in remote 
hell-holes while denying them the right to co-exist with the rest of the 

As bad as this is, it is made worse by an EU structural funding policy that 
allows certain funding streams to be used to retain people in these 
institutions, while the same funds can not be used for alternative services 
such as community living. Romania's unjust and inhumane government roppresses 
people with the support of the EU, i.e the support of the rest of us in Europe. 
We should be ashamed of ourselves.

Well done Chris, and I hope that the book is widely sold and read.



"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of 
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
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