Cand am citit stirea de mai jos despre Grecia care, in mijlocul celei mai
teribile crize economice, este fortata sa cumpere submarine si elicoptere de
lupta in schimbul imprumutului UE-FMI, n-am putut sa nu ma gandesc la
avioanele alea F-16 la mana a doua, vechi de 30 de ani, cu care tot incearca
unii licurici sa ne fericeasca...
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bs-and-helicopters> forced to buys subs and helicopters

12 July 2010  | Dziennik
a-prawna> Gazeta Prawna 

"In the midst of an economic crisis, the Greek government is spending
billions on arms," leads an indignant
ie-grecji.html> Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. In March, the government of George
Papandreou signed a deal to purchase two submarines in Germany for a total
of 1.3 billion euro, and in May it committed itself to purchasing warships
and helicopters from France costing 2.5 billion euro. According to experts,
agreeing to both transactions was one of the informal conditions on which
the EU and IMF granted Greece the rescue package of 110 billion euro. The
news caused outrage in Greece, a country which has been forced by Brussels
to cut 30 billion euro from public finances over the next three years in
order to reduce its deficit from 13 to three percent of the GDP. "We feel
pressured to carry out transactions we do not want. Greece does not need new
arms," Greece's
Deputy Prime Minister Theodore Pangalos said during a recent visit to
Turkey. Both Germany and France claim that the arms deals are a result of
many years of negotiations and have nothing to do with the EU rescue
package. However, the Warsaw daily notes that in the last ten years French
and German arms manufacturers have made fortunes from deals with Greece.

Copyright 2009

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