Developing new capabilities for Civilian crisis management

Furthermore, the European Commission is participating actively in developing the concrete targets in the four civilian areas for crisis management identified by the Feira European Council : police, rule of law, civilian administration and civil protection.

  1. Police

In relation to the police, Member States have committed themselves to the identification of 5000 policemen to be made available for civilian crisis management. The Commission’s contribution will be mostly focused on local capacity-building in countries dealing with crisis or emerging from crisis. In recent years the Commission has adopted a number of programmes to support police training and infrastructure in various countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, South Africa and (since December 2000) Algeria. More recently, the Commission has become actively engaged in police training in fYROM.

  1. Rule of Law

In relation to the rule of law, the goal has been set to identify 200 experts to be called upon to contribute to crisis management. Community co-operation instruments already provide for programmes to strengthen the administration of justice in many partner countries. In this area, as in that of civilian administration, the difficulty of building up an EU response capacity in crisis situations often relates to the lack of readily available personnel in the Member States. Past experience has shown, for example in the area of human rights monitoring, that the development of common training modules is one of the best means of building up capacity at EU level. The Commission has therefore launched a project for the setting up of a network of training institutions in the Member States for the development of training modules for personnel to be deployed in peace keeping missions. Such modules will be developed together with Member States and should be compatible with UN and OSCE modules, for example the new OSCE REACT system. This need not necessarily imply the establishment of new structures at the level of the Union, but should be built on strengthened co-operation between Member States and especially through synergies between existing training programmes and institutes.

  1. Civilian Administration

In relation to civilian administration, the Commission, on the basis of its experience, is identifying key areas and aspects for support to civilian administration in crisis situations. For example, the Commission has initiated reflection with the Member States on the role of customs services in crisis areas as a key contribution to the re-establishment of viable local administrations. The Commission is also examining the twinning model being used with the applicant countries in order to see whether lessons can be drawn in building up resources for deployment in crisis/post-crisis situations.

  1. Civil Protection

In relation to civil protection, a new Community Co-ordination Mechanism has been recently adopted by the Council. The Community Mechanism provides for co-ordination of national civil protection bodies, early warning and information exchange, co-operation for the training of civil protection personnel and the establishment of databases.

Mircea Halaciuga,Esq.
European Commission Expert, Member, International Bar Association.
Justice; Foreign Affairs; Security and Defense; General Management.

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