--- In romania_eu_list@yahoogroups.com, "Codruta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Ca blondele fac mai usor cancer al pielii si ca rata sinuciderilor 
e mai
> mare la maghiari.....
> Eu n-am inteles ce e atat de rau ca intre oameni sa existe 
diferente - ba
> chiar si "rase" - si daca exista - ce?

Tocmai ca nu este absolut nici o problema.Nu am vazut pe nimeni sa 
scrie ca este o problema.Sigur ca suntem diferiti si majoritatea 
articolelor de specialitate, din cate vad eu, arata tocmai ca exista 
mai multe diferente intre indivizi aceleiasi rase decat intre 
rase.Problema este ca se trece prea repede la spaima EXAGERATA de 
rasism, termen folosit adesea impropriu/neadecvat, asa cum a observat 
si domnul Dicu-Sava.
Din cate stim rasismul propaga suprematia/superioritatea unei/unor 
rase asupra alteia/altora.Or a spune ca exista diferente 
anatomice&fiziologice nu insemna deloc superioritate ci doar o 
constatare stiintifica.Este gresit/deplasat sa ascunzi rezultatele 
stiintifice numai de teama acuzatiilor exagerate de rasism.

Cineva din Romania care citeste un articol pe web despre farmacologia 
americana, este normal sa fie mirat cand vede diferente in 
tratamente/medicatie in functie de rase pentru ca in Romania nu 
exista asa, ori cel putin nu la acest nivel.Din cate vede oricine 
care traieste in US, confruntandu-se de secole cu diverse rase si 
diferentele anatomice&fiziologice, medicina din US a fost nevoita sa 
gaseasca solutiile, respectiv diversificarea farmacologica.Nu este 
nici vorba de rasism.

Imi pare rau pentru ce scrieti in celalalt mesaj si in ce priveste Ip-
ul meu vi-l pot da fara nici o problema.

Mai departe daca sunteti interesati in detalii despre diferente 
cititi va rog mai jos la http://www.medscape.com/px/urlinfo
unde va logati si cautati urmatoarele articole:

Treatment of Hypertension in African Americans and Latinos: The 
Effect of JNC VI on Urban Prescribing Practices

African Americans have a higher prevalence of hypertension than their 
Caucasian counterparts. This high blood pressure develops earlier in 
life and is associated with higher cardiovascular mortality rates.[4-
6] The well documented decline in cardiovascular mortality that has 
been seen in Caucasians since the 1970s has not been nearly as 
striking in minority, and specifically African American, populations.
[7] The reason for this divergence is unclear and has been attributed 
by various authors to socioeconomic status, racial stress, or 
increased genetic susceptibility.[4,8-10]First-line therapy for the 
treatment of hypertension in African Americans as recommended by JNC 
VI includes diuretics or a low-dose combination of a diuretic and b 
blocker. Calcium channel antagonists are an acceptable alternative 
when added to previously existing diuretic monotherapy. 

Is Heart Failure in African Americans a Distinct Entity?
Posted 09/18/2003  Robert L. Scott, MD, PhD


Heart failure remains a major health problem in the United States and 
is particularly problematic in the African American community where 
the disease exhibits excessive morbidity and mortality. Hypertension 
is a predominant etiology for heart failure among African Americans 
with an aggressive incidence of end-organ damage. Despite the 
advances in treatment of heart failure with neurohormonal 
attenuation, there appears to be inconsistency in the response of 
African Americans compared to Caucasians. This discordance with 
regard to response to treatment and etiology of heart failure between 
African Americans and Caucasians begets the question whether heart 
failure in African Americans is indeed a distinct clinical 
entity.IntroductionMortality from heart failure is 2.5-times greater 
among African Americans compared to Caucasians <65 years of age.[1] 
African Americans develop heart failure at an earlier age and the 
hospitalization rates are substantially higher than those among 
Caucasians.[2,3] The reason for the worse morbidity and mortality in 
African American heart failure patients is unclear, thus begetting 
the question of whether heart failure in African Americans is truly a 
distinct clinical entity. In order to answer this question one must 
consider not only the etiology of heart failure but also the relative 
response to conventional heart failure therapy and participation in 
heart failure trials from which the evidence-based data are collated.


African-Americans More Prone to Higher Heart Weight than Whites


Adult African-Americans have higher heart weight -- a condition that 
can lead to serious heart disease -- at two to three times the rates 
of whites, researchers from UT Southwestern Medical Center have shown.

Asians and alcohol enzyme



Asian descent
Some people of Asian descent have more difficulty metabolizing 
alcohol. They may experience facial flushing, nausea, headache, 
dizziness and rapid heartbeat. It appears that one of the liver 
enzymes that is needed to process alcohol is not active in these 
individuals. It is estimated that up to 50% of Asians are susceptible 
to these reactions to alcohol.


Asians and Alzheimer Disease


Ethnic Differences in AD Prevalence

It is noteworthy that African Americans have the highest AD rate of 
any ethnic group in the United States 108,118 while Japanese 
Americans have the lowest 26,119. This result is probably a 
combination of both genetic and dietary factors. African Americans 
have a higher frequency of APOE e4 than European Americans, who, in 
turn, have a higher frequency than Asians. 

In addition, there are very likely ethnic differences in diet, with 
Asian Americans eating less total energy and animal products and more 
vegetable products than European Americans. Black Americans may eat 
more convenience foods and fewer fruits and vegetables than European 
Americans 120, 121. A predisposing gene combined with poor diet is 
the worst combination in terms of risk for AD.

Black and White Athlets:


 Since the first known study of differences between blacks and white 
athletes in 1928, the data have been remarkably consistent: in most 
sports, African-descended athletes have the capacity to do better 
with their raw skills than whites. Blacks with a West African 
ancestry generally have: 

relatively less subcutaneous fat on arms and legs and proportionately 
more lean body and muscle mass, broader shoulders, larger quadriceps, 
and bigger, more developed musculature in general; 
denser, shallower chests; 
higher center of gravity, generally shorter sitting height, narrower 
hips, and lighter calves; 
longer arm span and "distal elongation of segments" - the hand is 
relatively longer than the forearm, which in turn is relatively 
longer than the upper arm; the foot is relatively longer than the 
tibia (leg), which is relatively longer than the thigh; 
faster patellar tendon reflex; 
greater body density, which is likely due to higher bone mineral 
density and heavier bone mass at all stages in life, including 
infancy (despite evidence of lower calcium intake and a higher 
prevalence of lactose intolerance, which prevents consumption of 
dairy products); 
modestly, but significantly, higher levels of plasma testosterone (3-
19 percent), which is anabolic, theoretically contributing to greater 
muscle mass, lower fat, and the ability to perform at a higher level 
of intensity with quicker recovery; 
a higher percentage of fast-twitch muscles and more anaerobic 
enzymes, which can translate into more explosive energy.

Relative advantages in these physiological and biomechanical 
characteristics are a gold mine for athletes who compete in such 
anaerobic activities as football, basketball, and sprinting, sports 
in which West African blacks clearly excel. However, they also pose 
problems for athletes who might want to compete as swimmers (heavier 
skeletons and smaller chest cavities could be drags on performance) 
or in cold-weather and endurance sports. Central West African 
athletes are more susceptible to fatigue than whites and East 
Africans, in effect making them relatively poor candidates for 
aerobic sports. 

White athletes appear to have a physique between central West 
Africans and East Africans. They have more endurance but less 
explosive running and jumping ability than West Africans; they tend 
to be quicker than East Africans but have less endurance. 
> From: "dan_d_n" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Este o problema care nu prea se discuta tocmai pentru ca se evita
> > acuzatia de "rasism".Cum mai aflu/citesc si eu din familie de la 
> > medic, atunci poate ar fi interesant ca negrii au mai mult sange
> > decat albii de asta pot sangera mai mult(vezi boxing) ori 
> > cardiace de care scrieti, ca arabii nu au enzime care scindeaza
> > alcoolul, ceea ce explica de ce islamul nu permite bautura(deci
> > religia are legaturi cu biologicul si putem sa ne convingem de 
> > daca ne uitam cat de echilibrat este structurat calendarul crestin
> > cu posturi,sarbatori,etc) ca "gooks" se imbolnavesc rar de
> > alzheimer...Deci categoric exista diferente biologice.
> > Daca cineva este mai documentat poate dezvolta in masura aprobarii
> > unui subiect off-topic...

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