G8 reaches climate deal in principle - Germany

07 Jul 2005 16:01:20 GMT

Source: Reuters

(Adds background on climate talks, French diplomat)


GLENEAGLES, Scotland, July 7 (Reuters) - The Group of Eight powers meeting in Scotland have reached agreement on joint action to combat global warming but have set no measurable targets, German negotiator Bernd Pfaffenbach told reporters.

He said they had agreed to try to reduce greenhouse gases by promoting cleaner technology and energy efficiency, but also made reference in their text to the Kyoto Protocol -- which the United States, alone among G8 members, has not signed.

"The document was accepted and you can be sure that there won't be any more changes," he said.

"The Kyoto accord will be mentioned but the document won't contain any concrete figures."

France in particular had held out for a mention of Kyoto in the leaders' final communique, as well as a recognition of the urgent need for action and of the science behind global warming and its influence on the climate.

"This is a bare-minimum text that (at least) has the merit of renewing dialogue on climate change," one French diplomat said.

Kyoto commits the developed nations that signed up to it to reduce their emissions of the greenhouse gases -- above all carbon dioxide -- that contribute to global warming.




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