iata-l si pe Phare...:)
dar cum spuneam, mesterul Phare isi cam face bagajele - nu-l conduceti doar pina la aeroport, asigurati-va si de un drum pina la Bruxelles, in calitate de coordonatori ai unui proiect finantat printr-un program comunitar cum e Socrates :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PrioriMail Infoeuropa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 16, 2005 10:26 AM
Subject: The European Union invests in strengthening the Romanian civil society
To: Lucian Branea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


- News

The European Union invests in strengthening the Romanian civil society
Description: The Delegation of the European Commission in Romania and the Romanian Government today launched three new Calls for Proposals worth over €4.6 million under the European Union's Phare Fund for Civil Society. The Fund provides financial support for projects to further enhance the credibility of the NGO sector and its capacity to serve the community's needs and interests better.

The deadline for submission of project proposals is 17 November 2005.

To view the full text, please download the document below.
News date: September 16th, 2005
Full information: PR Civil society
Source: Delegation of the European Commission in Romania

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