Title: Dragi parteneri,




Dear partners,


      We inform you that on 1st October 2005 started the European project “QUALITEDU”-
Quality in Education, project co-funded by the European Union within the Leonardo da Vinci Program. The project has a duration of 2 years and brings together partners from 6 European countries – Bulgaria, Italy, France, Great Britain, Romania and has as promoter the organisation COFIMP from Italy.

The project has as target group:

                               Education / Training organisations, trainers and training operators - who work both with public and private financing initiatives

                               Local public and private employment services which aim to re-train and re-introduce workers into the workplace

                               Public bodies, responsible for policies and planning in the field of training and education

The project proposes to:

                                                 Improve the quality of training, guarantee a structured, certifiable management system, which follows the Community regulation

                                                 Provide incentives for educational institutions to improve the quality of their own services

                                                 Help the institutions which provide funding define their policies and programmes

                                                 Reinforce the European dimension in the Education and Vocational Training systems

                                                 Provide the education and training system with tools to improve
the quality of the services it provides and its internal organisational processes

                                                 Promote the spread of methods, tools and best practices that can encourage the development of quality in education and training

                                                 Define a set of quality models, indicators and quality assurance

                                                 Develop monitoring systems to examine the process of  analysis, planning, distribution and control of educational and training courses

                                                 Develop tools for self-assessment to aid the introduction and implementation of a quality system

Project results and outcomes: hypertext glossary, website, dossier on best practices, tools for self-assessment, dissemination and valorisation,  national workshops, meetings with local organisations, stakeholders and target groups, final transnational conference.


  All the persons / organisations interested in the results of the project or that is part of institutions of the target group and want to get involved in the project, can contact us at the address: [EMAIL PROTECTED].


Thank you in advance for your attention and interest.



Kindest regards,

Simona Capatan







Dragi parteneri,


      Va informam ca pe 1 octombrie 2005 a inceput proiectul european “QUALITEDU”-
Calitate in Educatie, proiect cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana in cadrul Programului Leonardo da Vinci. Proiectul are o durata de doi ani si reuneste parteneri din 6 tari europene - Bulgaria, Italia, Franta, Marea Britanie, Romania si are ca promotor organizatia
COFIMP din Italia.

Grupul tinta al proiectului este alcatuit din:

                               Organizatii din domeniul educatiei / pregatirii, profesori si persoane responsabile de pregatire/formare care lucreaza atat cu fonduri publice cat si private;

                               Servicii publice si private locale care isi propun sa recalifice si sa reintroduca muncitorii pe piata muncii

                               Organizatii publice responsabile de politici si planificare in domeniul pregatirii/formarii si educatiei

Proiectul isi propune:

                                                 Sa imbunatateasca calitatea formarii, sa garanteze un sistem de management structurat si certificat conform reglementarilor Uniunii Europene;

                                                 Sa stimuleze institutiile educationale sa-si imbunatateasca serviciile din punct de vedere calitativ;

                                                 Sa ajute institutiile ce ofera finantare sa-si defineasca politicile si programele;

                                                 Sa reintareasca dimensiunea europeana in sistemele educationale si de pregatire vocationala;

                                                 Sa ofere sistemului de educatie si formare instrumente pentru a-si imbunatati calitatea serviciilor oferite, precum si procesele organizationale interne;

                                                 Sa promoveze difuzarea metodelor, instrumentelor si bunelor practici ce incurajeaza cresterea calitatii in educatie si formare;

                                                 Sa defineasca un set de modele si indicatori de calitate, precum si un model de asigurare al calitatii;

                                                 Sa dezvolte sisteme de monitorizare pentru a examina procesul de analiza, planificare, distributie si control al cursurilor educationale si de formare;

                                                 Sa dezvolte instrumente de auto-evaluare in vederea facilitarii introducerii si implementarii unui sistem de calitate.

Rezultatele si produsele proiectului: glosar interactiv, site web, dosar de bune practici, instrumente de auto-evaluare, diseminare si valorizare, ateliere nationale, intalniri cu organizatiile locale, intreprinzatori si grupuri tinta, conferinta finala transnationala.


  Toate persoanele/ organizatiile interesate de rezultatele proiectului, sau care fac parte din institutiile aflate in grupul tinta, si care  vor sa se implice in proiect, ne pot contacta la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED].


Va multumim anticipat pentru atentia si interesul dvs.



Toate cele bune,

Simona Capatan




*** sustineti [romania_eu_list] prin 1% din impozitul pe 2005 -
detalii la http://www.europe.org.ro/euroatlantic_club/unulasuta.php ***

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