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From: Lys fleur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 4, 2006 1:35 PM

   Hello everybody and HAPPY NEW YEARS!

  We are  a high school(students 14-19 years old) and we would like to do a developpment scholar project Comenius 1.3. about  strategies for a sustainable  developpment in schools.In this sense,we need partners from EU for our project.
We want involved especialy institutions with  problems with  delinquency ,violence  or expertise in stopping and preventing the violence and delinquency  in school.
If you want to be our partners,send your data to mail [EMAIL PROTECTED].
The language of our project will be FRENCH.

Thank you with anticipate for collaborate with us and  GOOD LUCK in EU projects!


EuroAtlantic Club
monitoring Romania's journey towards the EU
mail to: P.O.Box 13-166, Bucharest 70700
e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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