OWH TV Studio NGO from Moldova is organizing an
international project: Video Laboratory for Junior.
This project will be held in Chisinau, Moldova between
26 May – 2 June, 2006. This project is supported by
the European Cultural Foundation and UNICEF Moldova.

This project aims to extend youth view about the world
seen through camera. In frame of this project youth
will learn how to work with a video camera being at
the same time stage director, cameraman, editor and
actor. They will find out how their world can be
adjusted by a camera and can be seen on the screen.
Participants will produce their own one-minute films
and will discuss about cinematography culture. The
project will be cooperation between Moldova, Turkey,
Germany, Serbia and Montenegro, Italy, England and
Romania.  The international level will develop mutual
understanding and will promote the cooperation between
different countries from EU and around it.

At the end of the project on the June 1, the one
minute films will be projected on the big screen in
frame of International Documentary Film Festival
CRONOGRAF   5-th edition.

The project is opened for young people between 16 – 22
years old from Moldova, Italy, Germany, Serbia and
Montenegro, Turkey, England and Romania.
Participants should be motivated, open to learn and
meet new people and debate.

OWH TV Studio will cover accommodation, mean and local
transport. There is no participation fee.

In order to become a participant of this project you
have to send a one minute film idea or the synopsis of
your film together with your CV on

Dead line April 20, 2006
Official language: English

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me

Mob. +37369560406

Best regards
Viorica Topor
Project Coordinator
OWH TV Studio

Please spread this information to the interested
organization and people.

*** sustineti [romania_eu_list] prin 2% din impozitul pe 2005 - detalii la http://www.doilasuta.ro ***


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