Testul 1
Original text in romanian language ;-))
"Arta de a sti sa te bucuri 

Am vizionat aseara meciul Anglia-Suedia din cadrul
Campionatului Mondial de fotbal Germania-2006. Destui
stiu ca antrenorul englezilor este suedezul Swen Goran
Ericksson. Au marcat primii englezii un gol
exceptional de frumos. Ericksson s-a ridicat de pe
banca, a aplaudat in timp ce ceilalti gesticulau si se
exprimau exuberant. Am vazut ca are inima indoita
constient fiind ca si el contribuie la a-si invinge
compatriotii pentru ca este platit...Totusi o facea la
modul elegant fara sa jigneasca. Am urmarit in mod
special reactiile lui Ericksson de fiecare data cand
se marca vreun gol. De fiecare data avea aceeasi
reactie echilibrata indiferent daca marcau englezii
sau suedezii. Scorul final a fost 2-2 asa ca si
In totala discordanta cu Ericksson mi-am amintit scena
in care Bogdan Macovei antrenorul echipei nationale de
handbal a Macedoniei a facut scene, teatru, a
protestat in pur stil dambovitean impotriva manierei
de arbitraj ca si cum asta era treaba lui, acum vreo 9
ani la o competitie europeana in care echipa
Macedoniei juca impotriva.... echipei Romaniei. Mai
stie cineva ceva de acest macovei (pretins) profesor
de sport ? 
Ce mare diferenta de educatie, cultura si

Results in english (de balta ;0))))
"Art of  of know to on you bucuri 

Have vizionat aseara meciul Anglia-Suedia belong
cadrul Of the championship Mondial of  soccer
Germania-2006. Destui stiu as the trainer englezilor
is suedezul Swen Goran Ericksson. They have marked
receive englezii an blank exceptional of  beautiful.
Ericksson s-of elevated of  on bank, of aplaudat in
season what ceilalti gesticulau and himself exprimau
exuberant. Have vazut as has heart indoita aware being
as and he contribute at of-and defeat compatriotii for
as is platit...Notwithsanding a the make at the manner
fashionable without to jigneasca. Have followed in
manner special reactiile him Ericksson of  each data
when himself brand vreun blank. Of  each data avea
aceeasi response echilibrata indiferent if marcau
englezii or suedezii. The score finale of been 2-2 ace
as and PROVIDENTA to the ajuta on Folk.
In the outright discordanta with Ericksson mi-have
amintit stage in which Bogdan Macovei the trainer
teams nationale of  handbal of Macedoniei of made
scene, teatru, of protestat in pure genre dambovitean
against manierei of  arbitraj as and how this one era
treaba him now some 9 years at a tournament european
in which equip Macedoniei juca against.... teams
Romaniei. May know un something of  this macovei
pretins teacher of  sport ? 
What great diferenta of  upbringing, cultura and

Daca-l folosesc si castig si bani (@@) folosindu-l as
putea avea probleme cu fiscul, cu Academia Romana sau
cu Mr. Pruteanu ???  :-))))))))))))))))))))

--- Ion Georgescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cam asta se gaseste pe net - nu am verificat
> functionalitatea lor insa...
> http://www.etranslator.ro/
> http://www.adresa.ro/traducere/index.asp
> On 7/27/06, Sebastian Alexandru
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Din astea am gasit si eu vreo trei.
> > Din romana vreau !!!
> >


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