Fotografia lui Vadim din articolul publicat de The Guardian merita vazuta!
Face toti banii!  Este exemplul perfect al vechiului proverb "A picture's
worth a thousand words"...
"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

The Guardian:
Romania's first gift to the European Union - a caucus of neo-fascists and
Holocaust deniers
[...] Ironically, given the hostility of the west European far right to
expansion, to immigration, and to eastern Europe, it is Romania's entry that
has made the caucus possible: the EU parliament's rules stipulate that an
official caucus in the chamber needs to have representatives from at least
five countries, and a minimum of 19 MEPs. They now meet this requirement.
[...]  Bulgaria's quota of European parliament seats includes one held by
the extreme Ataka party of Volen Siderov, which campaigns against Gypsies or
Roma and Turks, while Romania has supplied a breakthrough for the hard right
by gaining five seats for Corneliu Vadim Tudor's anti-Hungarian,
anti-Semitic and anti-Roma Greater Romanian party.
The turnaround came last week when Mr Tudor said his delegates would join
the new caucus, expected to be named either "Europe of the Fatherlands" or
"Identity, Sovereignty, Tradition".
(intreg articolul la,,1984947,00.html?gusrc=rss
&feed=1) MEPs
5.htm> hit out at plans for extremist EU political group

[...] Socialist group leader Martin Schulz branded the group as a
"grotesque" bunch of extreme right wingers. "This motley crew of MEPs will
sit where they belong - on the fringes of the parliament," the German deputy
said. "Having an international group of ultra-nationalists such as this is a
grotesque idea and we shall monitor their activities very closely."

Liberal group MEP Chris Davies added: In the sense that it is good to know
who your enemy is, I welcome this new group." "I say let them join together
rather than be dispersed in other mainstream groups which seek to avoid the
extreme views to which they pander."

British Conservative MEP James Elles, one of the European parliament's
longest-serving deputies, said: "They have nothing in common with the
mainstream groups mostly represented in parliament and have no particular
constructive role to play."

(intreg articolul la

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