Call for papers
  National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration, Bucharest, 
Romania in co-operation with Babes Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania and the 
European Institute of Romania invite you to attend the first edition of the 
international conference on Globalization and the Politics of Development, May 
17-19, 2007. 
  Conference themes  In exploring this theme, papers are encouraged along the 
following themes:
   the impact of globalization on policy making and implementation; changes 
induced by the shifting role of the state; contemporary actors of development;  
   globalization and European integration: consequences upon national 
development policies;  
   sustainable development policies in the context of globalization;  
   globalization and communication; mass media as the drivers of globalization; 
   European regional development policy; development models of other economic 
regions (the Pacific Rim, North America);  
   development and modernization; the situation of the new EU Member states 
from Central and Eastern Europe;  
   innovation, research and education: the magic triangle of contemporary 
development; innovation management;  
   project management as a macroeconomic strategy of development; 
project-oriented companies and the project-oriented nation. 
   Deadlines for paper submission
   February 4, 2007: abstract submission;  
   February 12, 2007: abstract acceptance;  
   April 15, 2007: full paper submission;  
   April 30, 2007: full paper acceptance. 
  The abstracts (max. 200 words followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for 
review in electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, 
affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail 
addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. There will be accepted 
only one paper for each participant as a first author. Abstracts will be 
submitted online to the following e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Guidelines 
for full paper submission will be available on the conference website: in due time. The accepted papers will be 
published in the conference volume. 
  Conference fee   The conference fee is 100 € / participant and it includes: 
conference volume, conference agenda, conference briefcase, welcome reception, 
coffee breaks, and the conference banquet. The fee will have to be paid no 
later than May 5, 2007. 
  Conference venue  The conference will take place in Bucharest, Romania. All 
necessary information regarding hotels and travels will be posted on the 
conference website in due time. 
  Conference languages   Conference languages will be English and French. 
Abstracts, papers and paper presentations will be made in English or French.
  Contact person
  Alina Bargaoanu, PhD, PMP
  Faculty of Communication and Public Relations

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