Stimati colegi,

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta, in parteneriat cu
Universitatea Firat, din Elazig, Turcia organizeaza la Bucuresti in
perioada 2-3 Mai 2007 Conferinta internationala E-Portofolio -
procedeul E-Portofolio folosit in invatamantul vocational; Prezent si
Viitor - in cadrul proiectului european Leonardo da Vinci E-Portfolio
Process in Vocational Education TR/06/F/PP/178110.

Va invitam sa va inscrieti si sa ne ne impartasiti proiectele si
lucrarile dvs.

Va trimitem atasat Apelul pentru lucrari in limbile engleza si romana.
In cazul in care nu puteti deschide atasurile, va rugam sa le
descarcati de pe site-ul conferintei:

Pentru orice nelamurire, va rugam sa ne contactati la adresa:

Cu stima,
Simona Capatan
Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta

Dear colleagues,

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning, in partnership with Firat
University from Elazig, Turkey organizes in Bucharest in the period
2nd – 3rd May 2007 the International Conference on E-Portfolio Process
in Vocational Education; Present and Future on E-Portfolio Process in
Vocational Education; Present and Future within the European project
Leonardo da Vinci E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education

We invite you to register and share with us your projects and papers.

Please find attached the Call for papers in English and Romanian. In
case you cannot open the attachments, please download them from the
website of the conference:

For any other information, please contact us at the address:

Best regards,
Simona Capatan
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning

Anunt si apel pentru lucrari

Conferinta Internationala despre procedeul E-Portofolio folosit in
invatamantul vocational; Prezent si Viitor
2-3 Mai 2007
Bucuresti, Romania

Organizat de
Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta
Cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene, Programul Leonardo Da-Vinci B Proiecte
(Nume: E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education
Nr. de referinta.: TR/06/F/PP/178110 )

Scop si tematica
Conferinta, parte a unui proiect european (Procedeul E-Portofolio
Folosit in Invatamantul Vocational TR/06/F/PP/178110 ) are drept scop:
 Realizarea unui forum al oamenilor de stiinta din domeniul
si al industriilor si pentru profesorii din invatamantul vocational,
unde acestia isi vor prezenta lucrarile si vor impartasi experienta
avuta in domeniul procedeului E-portofolio folosit in invatamantul
 Evidentierea prezentul si discutarea viitorului programului
E-Portofolio folosit in sistemele vocationale din Europa si din lume.
Subiectele conferintei
 Procesul E-Portofolio
 Prezentul si viitorul procesului E-Portofolio
 Avantajul procesului E-Portofolio in educatie
 Procesul E-Portofolio in invatamantul vocational
Participantii care doresc sa ia parte la aceasta conferinta sunt
rugati sa intre intai pe site-ul conferintei la sectiunea "Formular de
inregistrare" pentru a-si trimite lucrarile. Astfel organizatorii vor
stii pe ce numar de participanti se pot baza.

Trimiterea lucrarilor
Autorii sunt rugati sa trimita rezumatul lucrarii (sau chiar lucrarea
intreaga) in limba engleza, prin e-mail, pe format electronic (DOC or
PDF) pana la data de 20 martie 2007 la urmatoarea adresa:

Prima pagina a lucrarii trebuie sa aiba forma unei coperti si sa
o titlul integral al lucrarii;
o numele si originea autorilor;
o subiecte relationate cu lucrarea (prima si a doua alegere);
o datele de contact ale autorului (nume, adresa postala si de mail,
numarul de telefon si de fax)
Pentru mai multe informatii despre formatul lucrarii, va rugam sa
vizualizati sectiunea "Instructiuni lucrare" de pe site.

Autorii ale caror lucrari au fost acceptate, vor fi anuntati prin
e-mail sau pe fax pana la data de 15 Aprilie 2007. Daca nu exista alte
specificatii, pentru corespondenta va fi folosita prima adreasa a
autorului. Toate lucrarile acceptate la conferinta vor aparea pe CD

Limba oficiala a conferintei este limba engleza.

Termene limita
Inregistrarea pe site-ul conferintei: 20 Martie 2007
Trimiterea intregii lucrari: 20 Martie 2007
Instiintarea de acceptare: 15 Aprilie 2007

Locatie: Bucuresti, Romania
Institutul National de Statistica
Blvd. Libertatii, 16, sector 5

Daca va hotarati sa participati la aceasta conferinta, nu puteti rata
frumusetile orasului Bucuresti.

Comitetul de organizare:
Presedintele conferintei: Muhammad TURHAN, Turkey
Vice-Presedinte: Gabriel Saulescu, Romania
Vice-Presedinti: partner representatives from Denmark, Greece;
Turkey, UK
Membrii comitetului executiv:
Gabriel Saulescu, Emilia Saulescu, Simona Capatan
Comitetul stiintific international:
Mehmet TAŞPINAR (TR), Marius JULA (RO)

Lista va fi completata in curand.

Taxa de participare
Conferinta fiind organizata in cadrul unui proiect finantat de UE, nu
se percepe taxa de inregistrare participantilor.
Totusi, participantii vor suporta costurile calatoriei si ale
necesitatilor pe perioada conferintei (cazarea la hotel, masa).

Organizatorii, Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta, va pune
la dispozitie numai locatia si pauza de cafea pentru cele 2 zile de
Astfel, orice program social (vizitarea obectivelor turistice, cina,
etc.) va fi decis impreuna cu participantii in ziua conferintei.
Announcement and Call for Papers

International Conference on E-Portfolio Process in Vocational
Education; Present and Future

2nd & 3rd May 2007
Bucharest, ROMANIA)

Organized by
Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta
Supported by European Commission by means of the Leonardo Da-Vinci B
Pilot Project
(Name: E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education
Referance No: TR/06/F/PP/178110 )

Aim and Scope

The conference, part of the EU project (E-Portfolio Process in
Vocational Education TR/06/F/PP/178110 ) aims to:
 provide a forum for scientists in academia and industry and
in vocational training to present their works and to share their
experiences in the area of E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education
 highlight the Present and discuss the Future of E-Portfolio
in Vocational Education in European countries and worldwide.

Conference Topics
 E-Portfolio Process
 The present and future of the E-Portfolio Process
 Advantage of E-Portfolio Process in Education
 E-Portfolio Process in Vocational Education

Participants who intent to attend the conference are kindly asked to
first register on the conference website prior to submitting their
papers, so that the organizers know in advance on how many
participants they can count.

Submission of Papers
The authors are kindly requested to send the extended abstract of
their papers (or their full paper) in English by e-mail in electronic
format (DOC or PDF) until March 20th, 2007 to the following e-mail

The first page of the paper should have the form of a cover sheet
o full title of the paper;
o name and affiliation of authors;
o related paper topics (first and second choice);
o corresponding author (name, postal & e-mail addresses, telephone &
fax numbers);
For more information on the format of the paper, please consult the
website of the conference, at the section "Paper instructions"

The authors of the accepted papers will be notified by e-mail or fax
latest April 15, 2007. The first authors address will be used for all
correspondences unless otherwise requested. All papers accepted for
presentation at the conference will appear in the
proceedings CD.

The official language of the conference is English.

Registration on the conference website: March 20th, 2007
Submission of full paper March 20th, 2007
Notification of acceptance April 15th, 2007

Venue: Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of Statistics
16, Libertatii Ave., sector 5

Bucharest is a beautiful city and you shouldn't miss the opportunity
to visit it once you decide to attend this conference.

Organizing Committee:
Conference Chairman: Muhammad TURHAN, Turkey
Vice Chairman: Gabriel Saulescu, Romania
Co-Chairmans: partner representatives from Denmark, Greece; Turkey, UK
Executive Committee Members:
Gabriel Saulescu, Emilia Saulescu, Simona Capatan
International Scientific Committee:
Mehmet TAŞPINAR (TR), Marius JULA (RO)

The list will be completed soon.

Conference Fee
As the conference is organized within an EU funded project, no
participation fee is required.
Nevertheless, the participants will be responsible for their travel
and subsistence costs (hotel and meals).
The organizers, Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta, will
provide only the venue and the coffee breaks for the 2 conference
Thus, any social program (sightseeing, dinner, etc.) will be decided
with the participants on the day of the conference.

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