Stimata Dna Mocanu,

In primul rand felicitari pentru eforturile depuse ca revista RJEA sa fie 
calificat de CNSCSIS potrivit
valorii stiintifice a studiilor pe care le publica si, si mai multe 
felicitari pentru includerea acesteia in SSRN.

In masura in care mai aveti spatiu pentru urmatorul numar, cu placere trimit 
una din articolele prezentate anul trecut la conferinte internationale. 
Tineam aceste articole pentru reviste cotate ISI, dar din moment ce ati 
reusit sa includeti RJEA in baze de date de prestigiu, noi romanii trebuie 
sa depunem tot efortul sa contribuim si la revista noastra.

Cand apare urmatorul numar, adica care este dedaline-ul de trimitere a 
manuscrisurilor? Articlele sunt gata, trebuie doar sa ma conformez cu editor 

O sa va sun maine dimineata la telefon pana la ora zece.

Monika Jozon

>From: "Oana Mocanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: [romania_eu_list] Call for papers - Romanian Journal of European 
>Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 15:12:00 +0200
>Romanian Journal of European Affairs is the first Romanian publication to 
>focus on the European integration debate and on Romania's role in an 
>enlarged European Union. Issued on a quarterly basis by the European 
>Institute of Romania, the journal is highly appreciated both in Romania and 
>in prestigious universities and research centers across Europe. Since 2007 
>the Journal has been scientifically evaluated by the National University 
>Research Council (RO - CNCSIS) as "B+" category and has been included in 
>various electronic databases, such as Social Science Research Network.
>We warmly welcome submission of papers or book reviews. The ideal length of 
>an article (in English or French) is from 4 000 to 8 000 words, including a 
>200-word abstract in English or French and a very brief autobiographical 
>note. Book reviews should be no longer than 2 000 words. All articles 
>should be presented in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman, 12, 
>at 1.5 lines, and will be sent to the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL 
>mentioning "For RJEA". Contributions are welcomed at any time of the year 
>and will be considered for the next issues.
>For more information, please visit or contact us at 
>Oana Mocanu
>Project Coordinator
>European Studies Unit
>European Institute of Romania
>Phone: +4 021 314 26 97, ext 119
>Fax: +4 021 314 26 66

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